Dear Parent / Carer,
We are organising a collection for West Lothian Foodbank again this year. This will help to provide local families across West Lothian with vital support over the Winter period and during these uncertain times. More information can be found on their website at
A typical food parcel would contain a wide variety of items. Some suggestions given on the website include the following:
Long Life (UHT) Milk Tinned beans Biscuits
Breakfast cereals Tinned meat (including Tuna) Pasta sauce
Soup Tinned vegetables (including potatoes) Snacks
Pasta Tinned fruit
Rice Tea or coffee
If you would like to contribute in any way, please send your donations into school with your child between now and end of February. We will be following government guidelines ensuring the safe transitioning of goods with a box for each class to allow for quarantine.
Many thanks.