Tag Archives: Eco Schools

Welly Boot Planters

I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all who donated some of their old/unused wellies. They are fantastic and have been put to good use.

I have put together a sway to show you what we have done with the wellies and hopefully in May/June we can update you with some beautiful ‘blooming’ flower displays!

We have made some bee homes so it will be brilliant if the flowers attract them to the courtyard garden.

Foodbank Collections


Dear Parent / Carer,

We are organising a collection for West Lothian Foodbank again this year.  This will help to provide local families across West Lothian with vital support over the Winter period and during these uncertain times.  More information can be found on their website at https://westlothian.foodbank.org.uk//

A typical food parcel would contain a wide variety of items.  Some suggestions given on the website include the following:

Long Life (UHT) Milk                     Tinned beans                                           Biscuits

Breakfast cereals               Tinned meat (including Tuna)                   Pasta sauce

Soup                                  Tinned vegetables (including potatoes)          Snacks

Pasta                                 Tinned fruit

Rice                                   Tea or coffee

If you would like to contribute in any way, please send your donations into school with your child between now and end of February.  We will be following government guidelines ensuring the safe transitioning of goods with a box for each class to allow for quarantine.

Many thanks.


Outdoor Learning


This term Glendevon and Ochiltree have been very creative collecting different resources from the forest floor to use as tools in art. We have painted by rolling pine cones, swishing with fir tree branches, pressing with stones, rolling with conkers. We have even used other shaped branches to create patterns in paint. We realise now we don’t need to buy paintbrushes again!

We also made our own natural paints using beetroot, spinach, cocoa, raspberries from our garden and turmeric too. We had great fun mixing and adding baking soda to the beetroot made the red colour change to violet!

As well as this we have also been working on a Christmas project too which you will receive soon.

Merry Christmas everyone

Catherine Duffin

Climate Change Quiz

This year OutRight is focused on the important topic of climate change and what a changing climate means for children’s rights.
Climate science is a very big topic, so the purpose of this activity is to make sure we all have a common understanding of some of the most important facts and terms.

Have a Go!

Answers will be published at the end of this week.




Outright Campaign 2020

As part of our commitment to the Outright Campaign and speaking out for the rights of our children we have been using the Story Massage Programme which combines the benefits of positive touch with the creativity of storytelling.

In this story we have addressed the issue of Climate Change and how it is affecting  our planet which is having adverse effects on our children’s rights across the world.



Outdoor learning

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you know I am back from maternity leave and so pleased to be back. I’m excited to we working with the children in Glendevon and Ochiltree classes  this year. With me they will be focussing a lot on exploring the outdoors, what is growing in the Beatlie garden each season and what changes happen throughout the year in the garden and community too.  We will be using our senses to explore and possibly create seasonal art as we investigate.

This term we have started to look at the flowers and fruit growing in the garden and the community. The children have already taken photos of the flowers they see, created a flower scavenger hunt from their photos for their peers to find them in the garden. We have discovered we have a lot of colourful flowers in the garden, especially pink. The children also have been making sensory flower bottles which they have enjoyed shaking and exploring the shapes and colours moving about in the water. I will keep you updated on our learning this term.

Catherine (Sweet) Duffin