Tag Archives: Article 31: We have the right to play and take part in a range of activities.

Hopetoun News

What a busy busy term this has been in Hopetoun!! We’ve been enjoying lots of fun activities and events such as music, swimming, drama and cooking, raised lots of money for Children in Need and have been getting well and truly into the Christmas spirit. We all loved the Snow White pantomime and all did amazing in our Christmas performance which we hope you all enjoyed. Have a look at our video to see how much we’ve managed to fit in, it’s no wonder the time has been flying in!!

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year and we look forward to seeing everyone after the holidays.

Pentland Term 2

It’s been another very busy and fast term in Pentland!

Our highlight was hosting the Children in Need café. We hope you agree that we did an amazing job, raising over £1000! On the day we all had important jobs to do from greeting all the guests to selling raffle tickets to manning our stalls and activities. We had lots of fun and it was great to see sooooooooo many people supporting us!!!

We also had fun celebrating Halloween through pumpkin sensory play and drama games, going on an adventure with Oily Cart, being silly with the Clown Doctors and getting messy in messy play!

Of course there has been some serious hard work too! Developing our cooking and art skills, working on our understanding of cause & effect, and practising our number and counting skills.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

St Andrews Day Celebration Ceilidh

Today we had our first Ceilidh in the new school and it gets a thumbs up for a great place to get your kilts on and dance your socks off!

Have a look at our video of some of the children enjoying the music, the company and the dancing!

Debbie Green (Acting HT)

Progress so far!

As you will be able to tell we are delighted with our new school and the amazing resources that we have access to.  As part of our school, improvement plan this year we are working to maximise the use of these different  areas and resources ensuring all pupils are safe, included and achieving.  The outdoor space is fantastic and we have been making great use of all areas to learn through play and exploration.   Staff have been trained in the use of our new Drive Deck which allows our wheelchair pupils to independently travel round the garden using a switch.  We plan to explore how to make use of this within the school next.  The multi-sensory room is being used to great effect, with pupils being immersed in different exciting stories and able to explore the images and lights with their bodies and through switch use.  Pupils are also enjoying regular rebound sessions supported by trained staff and attending regular art, cooking and messy play sessions in our new art and cooking space. Staff are  working hard to develop new and innovative ways to use the life skills technology to allow our children to control their environment.

After the October week’s break, we will be starting up with our swimming and horse riding sessions.  We will also be starting to use our hydrotherapy pool which is very exciting. We are working alongside one of our physiotherapists to ensure the benefits of this therapy can be maximised for each individual.

We have started working on the communication section of our new life skills framework.  We asked our teachers  to describe their thoughts (in three words) on this new curricular framework:


I will keep you informed of further progress  throughout the rest of this year.  It was lovely to see those of you who were able to make it along to the café this morning and look forward to seeing you at events across the year.

Have a lovely October week.


Debbie Green

Acting HT


Music Term 1

This term we have had fun settling into our new space in Music. Some of the lessons, the1-1  and small group sessions have taken place in the new GP room while other lessons have been taking place in the classrooms.

Lammermuir have sociably been joining Hopetoun in their classroom and have had fun choosing nursery rhymes to sing together. Lomond and Glendevon had more relaxed afternoon lessons to meet the children’s needs at that time of the day.

Pentland used the giant scrunchie to sing about The Great Big Turnip at the Bottom of the field and it became a big favourite. Tommy and Matthew found it hilarious when the different characters shouted for help and that the mouse had the biggest muscles.

All of the Primary classes also enjoyed the The Wheels on the Bus. This turned into something bigger, with everyone taking turns choosing  the different things that are on the bus from a range of choices on cards. The result was like a different remix of the song each time as the order kept changing.

As we approached Scarecrow Festival time, all of the Primary classes of course enjoyed singing the old favourite Dingle Dangle Scarecrow.

In Secondary, the groups focused on playing tuned percussion instruments to rock backing tracks and there has been lots of interaction and engagement, which bodes well as we head into a musical project together. More will be revealed in due course!

Term 1 in Lomond

What an exciting first term we have had in our new school. Everyone has had great fun exploring all the new areas of our school. The garden has been a particular favourite with all the children and they have enjoyed making full use of all the new equipment. Everything is so accessible for all the children. Another favourite of the children has been the multi-sensory room, it’s been a favourite of the staff as well with the ability to either a calming environment or a more interactive space where children can move around frequently to pop bubbles or squash ants!

Have fun looking through some of our photos of us enjoying our new school.

Lammermuir -Term 1

We have loved settling into our new ELC this term.  You can see from the smiling faces in the photos that our children have been enjoying exploring the different areas of the school, both indoors and in the playground.  The children have been working extremely hard on important skills like playing and developing their independence using switches, benches and walkers.  So far we have shared the Very Hungry Caterpillar story and made lots of butterfly pictures, made our own scarecrow for our first cafe in the new school and have enjoyed lots of sensory art work using items such as shells, pine cones and twigs.  We hope everyone has a lovely holiday and a well earned rest.

Pentland Term 1

Well that was certainly a VERY busy and fast first term in our new school!

We have some new pupil and adult faces in Team Pentland this year and have been enjoying making friends and getting to know each other better.

Team Pentland this year:

Class Teacher – Louise

Advanced Pupil Support Workers – Alison, Caroline, Julie, Linda & Louise (yes, 2 Louises!)

Our pupils

We also have Linda (yes, another one!) for art, Gordon for music and Catherine for drama

Here are some of our highlights…

We have also been busy creating our Class Charter and Global Goals displays…

Hope everyone has a fun and well deserved holiday.

Term 1 in Hopetoun

What a fabulous first term we have had in Hopetoun! We’ve been so busy exploring our amazing new school and have especially enjoyed being out in our incredible garden where there is so much to do. We’ve also had lots of lovely new experiences indoors using our new sensory room, soft play, the drama/music room and the art room. It was lovely having you all come to visit and am sure you all think it’s as amazing as we do!

Team Hopetoun wish you all a lovely October break and look forward to all the exciting things that are to come next term. We hope you enjoy our video showing some of the fun we have been having…..