Share The Love

This week Beatlie have been using their imagination and hope for the future and both experienced and participated in the campaign #SharetheLove for Climate Change.

Please have a look at our children at work and share the message to help Save our Planet for our future children.


December in Glendevon


What a  busy term we have had in Glendevon! The children have firstly enjoyed cross class, mixing with other children around the school in outdoor activities. They were involved in singing, stories, circle games, litter picking or sensory play every week.

Then we were hard working with crafting Christmas things and it was lovely to see the whole class actively involved in this. We also explored different types of winter messy play and lots of practicing and preparation for the Christmas show….which of course was fab!  All the children coped so well with this. Well done Glendevon children!!

Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year!!!

Autumn Term Music in Beatlie

In Music this term, we had fun once more sharing and playing music together with our friends. 

One of the focus points across the school has been making choices in music. In Ochiltree and Duntarvie the children have been exploring genre, from disco to indie and rock, with more to come after the holidays. In mixed groups doing ASDAN and NQs, they selected from a range of music on switches and then chose instruments to play along with the selection, including drums and electric guitars. It was surprising to find out who are the secret rock and rollers in the classes!

In Primary and Lammermuir, we have been choosing from a range of nursery rhymes and instruments. The Pentland children had great fun deciding whether songs should be loud, quiet, fast and slow. At Halloween The Hairy Scary Castle  song made a return, with all the spooky sounds inside, which the children always enjoy.

Across the school we continue to have opportunities for individuals to have short Music as Therapy sessions that allows an opportunity to focus on the particular needs of some of the children.  While this is different from Music Therapy with Aisling, we do confer and ideas overlap. Importantly, it is an opportunity for the children to express themselves through music away from distractions.

We ended the term with music for the Christmas show, quite a change after the last few years, with lots of creative ideas. Next year, we will continue to have fun with new and familiar songs alike, and also take time to use music for wellbeing and to celebrate Scotland as we head to Burns Night.

Pentland – Term 2

WOW! Who can believe Christmas is here already!

We’ve had another very busy term in Pentland with lots of new learning and fun celebrations including World Smile Day, Diwali, Halloween, Bonfire Night, Scottish Book Week, St Andrew’s Day and, of course, Christmas!

We have really enjoyed having our families back in school to take part in the Live Music Now café, watch our Christmas performance and see us meet Santa.

Our topic this term was ‘Day & Night’. We had fun creating day and night skies in art, bathing and dressing baby dolls for daytime and night time activities, and taking part in some day and night drama activities, including putting on our PJs and then snuggling up with a teddy for a bedtime story!  We also explored dancing to lively and calm music and played some time games including ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’ and ‘Here we go round the mulberry bush’.  Some of our boys also explored day and night sequencing, sorting and opposites during our weekly maths group.

Here are a few photos of our topic work…


Our completed art gallery…

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to all our families from Team Pentland.

Hopetoun News Term 2

This term has gone by in a flash and no-one can quite believe Christmas is upon us!! We have been super busy in Hopetoun rounding off our ‘In the Garden’ topic, having lots of spooky Halloween fun and helping put together our very own Beatlie ‘Going on a Bee Hunt’ story as part of Scottish Book Week. We enjoyed a Live Music Now café and in Hopetoun we feel proud to have donated to a local charity called West Lothian Schoolbank who provide clothing for children who need it. We’ve managed to fit in a couple of trips to the café which we have all loved and are looking forward to getting out and about in the community much more after the winter break. Our last couple of weeks have been full of Christmas spirit, we were lucky enough to have the Snow White panto come to Beatlie and have enjoyed a lovely Christmas lunch, we finished off our festivities with a primary Christmas party with lots of games and music and of course a very special visitor!!

Sending big Christmas wishes to everyone, Team Hopetoun are looking forward to welcoming everyone back in the new year!!

Ochiltree Term 2

Ochiltree News Update – December 2022

What a year we are having so far! Very busy, busy, busy learning and having fun, fun, fun!

So what have we been up to……..

SQA: Luca and Duncan have been enjoying lots of different experiences working toward achieving new SQA qualifications including bowling, archery, cycling, looking after your home and adult relationships. Of course the boys love all the activities and could not say what is their favourite as they have been fantastic at trying out everything.

ASDAN: Everyone has been learning new skills and attributes through activities leading to their ASDAN qualifications – it is easy to say that Gordon and his music is everyone’s favourite – they have been loving listening and joining in with different genres throughout the session – maybe we will have a rock band by the end of the year! Alex and Fletcher have had challenges that they have worked hard on and are showing progression in communication skills, physical skills, interaction and independence in school and while out and about in the local community. Mollie has been an explorer of different textures. She has had fun with her friends exploring sensory baskets of rough and smooth material, hard and soft materials and also messy play with lots of different dry materials. Mollie is also being challenged to move her body in different ways – this is being supported through her Rebound, Horse riding and movement tasks in the class – she is very motivated by her keyboard!

Stanley keeps us on our toes – he knows what is happening and on what day and will soon tell us if we are not right! Stanley has been a real star in his walker and is so motivated to use it on a daily basis – he likes to go and have a chat with different people around the school as well as doing his recycling! Stanley has also been enjoying horse riding and getting out to the shops and library.

We love mixing with Duntarvie for lots of different activities especially for outdoor play where there are more of us to join in playing games, lots of us are trying out new things this year and having lots of fun! Thursday is our big mix up day for music, IT and PE/Floor Exercise and what can I say there is a bunch of superstars in the secondary department – We are blown away at the resilience and motivation to try and to build on skills to help them with future physical barriers. Another group we have been having is our boys and girls groups – what a bunch of independent superstars we have and the tolerance of all during this lovely happy relaxing activity – foot care, hand care and haircuts – what next?

Our big project this term has been Upcycling and what a job we have done! We held an open day for other schools to come along to upcycle old toys etc in exchange for a new toy to donate to the toy appeal – Alex and Fletcher went round each class once a week with their trolley to collect for the toy appeal and the food bank and were kept busy! Alex, Duncan, Fletcher and Aria also upcycled jigsaws to make different home accessories which are beautiful!

I could go on and on at how amazing these children are so let me just finish by saying Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all and look forward to a new term and new challenges that lie ahead.



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