#Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021
Quiz for Primary schools: True or false!

True or false? This quick-fire quiz is a fun way to get thinking about cocoa, the climate and Fairtrade.

1. Chocolate bars are made from beans TRUE OR FALSE?
2. Cocoa trees grow in the desert TRUE OR FALSE?
3. Chimpanzees love the taste of cocoa TRUE OR FALSE?
4. Cocoa trees grow best in freezing temperatures TRUE OR FALSE?
5. All humans need healthy food to live TRUE OR FALSE?
6. All humans need a car to live TRUE OR FALSE?
7. Farming is always very harmful to the planet TRUE OR FALSE?
8. The choices we make can change the world TRUE OR FALSE?

Your Water Your Life

We’re encouraging everyone in our school community to use refillable water bottles – take a look at our video celebrating our re-usable cups and bottles.  If you want to find out more please visit https://www.yourwateryourlife.co.uk

Beatlie Fairtrade Cafe

Beatlie Fairtrade Café

It is with regret that Beatlie will not be opening their doors for the Fairtrade Café just yet!


Do not fret – the café will come to you!

Friday 25th February

All classes will be making a Tray Bake of their choice using at least 1 Fairtrade product in their ingredients. We will be designing our own label for the product and it’s packaging which will allow us to send the goodies home for you to enjoy with a good Fairtrade coffee or Tea together with friends and family.

This year the focus is on Fairtrade and Climate Action and throughout the week you can have a look at the blog to find out more on the issues affecting people all over the world due to Climate Change and why Fairtrade is so important!

If you would like to donate to Fairtrade this week please send any monies in with your child in an envelope.

Thank you

Fairtrade Fortnight 2022

Today is the start of Fairtrade Fortnight: 21 February – 6 March 2022

What is Fairtrade Fortnight?

For two weeks each year, at the end of February and start of March, thousands of schools, colleges and universities across the UK come together to learn from the people who grow our food and drinks, mine our gold and who grow the cotton in our clothes – people who are often exploited and underpaid.

Through learning about how we are all connected through the things we eat, drink and wear, young people are equipped with the knowledge and skills to shape a more compassionate and sustainable world.

 This year the theme is:

Climate, Fairtrade and You

So, this Fairtrade Fortnight, we invite you to stand with farmers and workers seeking climate justice!

This week we will be sharing information and resources for you to look at and get involved at home and spreading the message to others.

 You can also get involved by visiting the Choose The World You Want Festival



Fundraiser for Beatlie!!!



A very lovely lady called Eileen is going to jump out of an aeroplane to raise money for Beatlie!!!!
If you would like to read about her challenge and/or donate to her JustGiving page, please copy the link below into your task bar.


90kg Rice Challenge

Beatlie 90KG Rice Challenge 2022


‘A bag of Rice Can Change a Life’

Beatlie School Campus takes on 90kg rice challenge to give a helping hand to Malawian farmers and their families.

Beatlie School Campus will be helping to make a huge difference to the lives of farmers in Malawi and their families by taking part in the 90kg rice challenge.

Malawi is one of the world’s poorest countries and less than 1 in 4 children are able to attend secondary school. The 90kg rice challenge was inspired by the fact that if a farmer can sell just 90 x 1kg of Kilombero rice at a fair price, they will be able to send a child to Secondary School for a year.

By taking part in the challenge Beatlie are looking to show that by simply making changes to the way we buy food, fair trade can help to transform the lives of some of the world’s poorest people.

The school is kindly subsidising the cost (normally £3.20 per KG) to £2.00 per 1kg bag.

If you would like to support the cause and buy a bag, or two or more….  please contact the school and we will be happy to help. There is a choice of white or brown rice.

This rice has won a Great Taste award and is the most ethical rice on the market according to Ethical Consumer magazine.

 “It’s amazing to see the enthusiasm that Beatlie have had in taking on the 90kg rice challenge. By taking part they’re helping to create a brighter future for the people of Malawi and their children – James Johnstone JTS

By simply buying a bag of rice we can all make a huge difference by helping to unlock the potential of people and communities and tackle inequality in Malawi and elsewhere. – John Riches JTS

Thank you in anticipation.

Eco committee/Rights Respecting Schools Committee/Fairtrade Schools/LfS



West Lothian Bike Library

West Lothian Bike Library
Work noting that we are currently offering the Scottish Bike Repair Scheme which gives families bike servicing/repairs up to the value of £50 on each bike (£100 on e-bikes and adaptable)
West Lothian Bike Library
07724 667321
Crofthead Farm
Templar Rise
EH54 6DG
Open Tue-Fri 9am-1pm other times by appointment.
West Lothian Bike Library is incorporated as a Community Interest Company registered in Scotland 573140
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