All posts by Miss McNaughton

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 will take place from

Monday 22nd February to Sunday 7th March

This annual campaign, brings together everyone interested in fighting for justice for people and our planet.

Fairtrade, Climate and You

In Fairtrade Fortnight 2021, we will focus on the growing challenges that climate change brings to farmers and workers in the communities Fairtrade works with. Farmers and workers are feeling the impact of the climate emergency now despite having contributed to it the least.

They tell us that:

  • Climate change is one of their biggest challenges right now.
  • Low prices for their crops mean that they are struggling to fight back.
  • With more money through Fairtrade, they feel more equipped to meet their everyday needs and deal with the challenges posed by climate change.

This Fairtrade Fortnight, we are asking you to #ChooseTheWorldYouWant


Choose The World You Want



Foodbank Collections


Dear Parent / Carer,

We are organising a collection for West Lothian Foodbank again this year.  This will help to provide local families across West Lothian with vital support over the Winter period and during these uncertain times.  More information can be found on their website at

A typical food parcel would contain a wide variety of items.  Some suggestions given on the website include the following:

Long Life (UHT) Milk                     Tinned beans                                           Biscuits

Breakfast cereals               Tinned meat (including Tuna)                   Pasta sauce

Soup                                  Tinned vegetables (including potatoes)          Snacks

Pasta                                 Tinned fruit

Rice                                   Tea or coffee

If you would like to contribute in any way, please send your donations into school with your child between now and end of February.  We will be following government guidelines ensuring the safe transitioning of goods with a box for each class to allow for quarantine.

Many thanks.


Ochiltree Term 2

It has been a term like no other in Ochiltree but we have survived and got through it together and hopefully the new year will bring about positive changes for us all.

The children have coped tremendously well over the year and have made some great progress despite all the hurdles that they have faced.  We have had a packed timetable despite the restrictions and we have been able to experience more of the outdoors and new activities throughout our day.

We have enjoyed our topic of electricity and the new class jobs that we experienced – using the hoover, microwave and lots of switching toys, tools and utensils.

We have been outside lots – going on walks, litter picks, experiencing different weathers and different environments. We are enjoying looking after the courtyard area of the school and look forward to planting and growing produce we can use in recipes as the year progresses in 2021.

We have had lots of experiences cooking, craft work and games in the classroom which has been fun for everyone getting to know each other and building relationships as they learn to take turns and share with each other. All of the children have made some great personal progress with their independence and target work as well as working on ASDAN and SQA modules which we will continue to update you on in their Learners Journals.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you all again soon in 2021.


Article 28 (right to education)
Every child has the right to an education.
Primary education must be free and
different forms of secondary education
must be available to every child. Discipline
in schools must respect children’s dignity
and their rights. Richer countries must help
poorer countries achieve this.

Article 29 (goals of education)
Education must develop every child’s
personality, talents and abilities to the
full. It must encourage the child’s respect
for human rights, as well as respect
for their parents, their own and other
cultures, and the environment.

Article 31 (leisure, play and culture)
Every child has the right to relax, play and
take part in a wide range of cultural and
artistic activities.


Christmas in Ochiltree


Ochiltree have been busy Elves over the last couple of weeks – having fun and working hard.

We all enjoyed our Christmas crafts and artwork that we worked hard on although really enjoyed looking at all our pictures while putting the calendar together.

We also enjoyed the pantomime despite it being virtual it was like we were there!

Our Christmas party was really fun – we enjoyed playing pass the parcel, corners game and dancing to party music before Santa came to visit and give us all a gift.

Despite everything that is going on in the world around us we have not let it dampen our spirits in Ochiltree!

MERRY CHRISTMAS from all your friends in Ochiltree. xx

Article 29 (goals of education)
Education must develop every child’s
personality, talents and abilities to the
full. It must encourage the child’s respect
for human rights, as well as respect
for their parents, their own and other
cultures, and the environment.

Article 31 (leisure, play and culture)
Every child has the right to relax, play and
take part in a wide range of cultural and
artistic activities.


Unicef Outright Campaign 2020

OutRight is Unicef UK’s annual youth campaign that empowers children and young people to speak out about children’s rights on World Children’s Day – 20 November – the anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. It’s a campaign by children, for children, that helps children and young people to promote and protect children’s rights in the UK and around the world.

Beatlie is one of more than 5,000 Unicef UK Rights Respecting Schools across the UK that embed children’s rights in their ethos and culture.

We hope that through the campaign not only the children got to experience how climate change is making an impact on our planet and they have had the freedom to express their feelings and understanding of what they have  participated in but you have also:

  • Learnt about climate change and its impacts
  • Learnt how climate change and its impacts affect children’s rights
  • Use your voices to call on decision-makers to take actions on climate change that prioritise children’s rights.

Please have a look at our fantastic children having fun and learning over the last 3 weeks culminating with World Children’s Day.


Climate Change Quiz

This year OutRight is focused on the important topic of climate change and what a changing climate means for children’s rights.
Climate science is a very big topic, so the purpose of this activity is to make sure we all have a common understanding of some of the most important facts and terms.

Have a Go!

Answers will be published at the end of this week.




Outright Campaign 2020

As part of our commitment to the Outright Campaign and speaking out for the rights of our children we have been using the Story Massage Programme which combines the benefits of positive touch with the creativity of storytelling.

In this story we have addressed the issue of Climate Change and how it is affecting  our planet which is having adverse effects on our children’s rights across the world.