All posts by Miss McNaughton

Ochiltree 2024

Ochiltree have had a fabulous year! I for one have loved every minute of it and will miss them very much!

It has been a year of fun and laughter, skills and attainment and the children have done themselves and you proud!

Alex and Fletcher have achieved their Asdan Transition Challenge and move onto their senior phase after the summer.

Mollie also moves into the senior phase class with one more year of her Asdan to go.

Brendan, Liam and Stanley will continue on their Asdan journey in Ochiltree with new friends joining them after the summer.

I hope you have all kept up to date on their journey this year through their Learners Journal and have enjoyed all the photos and videos of how fantastic they have been participating in all the wonderful activities we have had this year.

A special thanks to all who have supported all the youngsters in Ochiltree this year goes to: Madge, Alison, Tracy, Kerri, Ashley and Susan.

Have a fantastic holiday and look forward to seeing you at some of our school getharings next year. x

Earth Day 2024

Earth Day 2024 Happy Earth Day 2024! Every year on April 22, we celebrate Earth Day. This annual event is a time to focus on the environmental issues we have across the planet and highlight the efforts being made so we can continue to protect it.

Earth Day is a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future.


Ochiltree Term 3

Spring is here!

Still cannot believe we have worked through another term – time has flown by with all the activities we have been up to this term.

Ochiltree have been out and about enjoying horseriding, swimming and creating at Potter Around and the Ochiltree team have loved every minute of it!

We have also been travelling around the World with Susan visiting an array of countries and experiencing the different cultures through sensory experiences, arts and crafts building well known tourist attractions and cooking snacks and meals to get a taste of where we visit – even snails!

The team have also been building on their skills using TD Snap for communication, rebound and PE cross class for their physical wellbeing as well as their favourites such as going out on the bike, drive deck or choosing from the choice box.

It has been fun participating in whole school events and seeing everyone at our cafe as well as learning for sustainability through litter picking and our Spring Clean.

Next term we look forward to getting outside more to participate in walking month, our topic of Forest Trails, Teddy Bear Picnic and of course Sports Day.

Thank you to everyone for another fantastic term!

Ochiltree Term 2

Another year and another term over just like that!

What another wonderful term with the children of Ochiltree. We have been a busy bunch being involved with whole school events, Asdan challenges, Learning for Sustainability activities and having lots of fun!

We are so glad we invited our friends to join us for our St Andrews Day Ceilidh and we had a blast! We have continued to go outside in all weathers to make use of the Drive Deck, the playground and also the environment – nothing puts this lot off!

We are continuing to develop our independent skills during cooking activities, class jobs and our communication challenges throughout our school day and we have been lucky to add horseriding to the list too!

From all in Ochiltree have a fantastic Christmas and New Year and we look forward to seeing you all again next year!





St Andrews Day Celebration Ceilidh

Today we had our first Ceilidh in the new school and it gets a thumbs up for a great place to get your kilts on and dance your socks off!

Have a look at our video of some of the children enjoying the music, the company and the dancing!

Unicef World Children’s Day 2023


Today marks World Children’s Day on the calendar and to celebrate the rights of the child we participated in all things blue.

Lots of pupils and staff wore blue in support and all pupils used blue materials to make a giant blue collage.

Take a look at how it came together.




World Food Day

This week in Beatlie we recognised World Food Day by making sensory bottles with the focus ‘Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave No One Behind’

World Food Day takes place annually on 16 October and promotes awareness of hunger and action for the future of food, people, and the planet.

Take a look at how much fun we all had making the bottles and how great they all look now they are finished.







