All posts by Mrs Kerr

Pre-loved clothing event

Last term Ochiltree took part in lots of upcycling projects and today was their final project as they hosted a pre-loved clothing event. They worked very hard to sort and lay out all the clothes, then today everyone had a job to do such as greeting the visitors and manning the stalls. This event also helped us mark the launch of our non school uniform clothing bank.

Some pupils and staff came along for a browse too!

Caroline from the Advice Shop also came along to support families with any questions.



Boccia & Curling Festival

Last week 3 of our pupils attended the ASN Boccia and Curling Festival run by Active Schools with the college students at West Lothian College.

We took part in lots of different stations to develop our throwing and rolling skills, and had lots of fun!



Pentland Term 4

We can’t believe it’s nearly the end of the first year in our amazing new school!

We’ve had another very busy term, working hard to develop our individual skills and abilities…

Once again we have also enjoyed getting out and about to horse riding and swimming…

Pentland would like to wish everyone a happy and well earned holiday.



Pentland Term 3

It’s been another busy term, but our highlight has definitely been getting out and about in the local community visiting the library, café and shop. This has been a great opportunity to cover different areas of the curriculum and develop a variety of skills.
On the walk we have been developing our stamina, working on going up and down steps and developing awareness of personal safety when near roads. We have also experienced engineering in the world around us and loved making echoes under the bridges!
At the library we worked on literacy skills including handling books, enjoying different stories and choosing a story to take back to school to share with our friends.
At the café we have been developing our interaction and communication skills through ordering and asking for the bill. We have also experienced handling money which is part of numeracy and developed life skills of eating and intimate care in a different environment.
At the shop we again experienced using money to pay for an item, as well as selecting an item from a choice and waiting our turn in a queue.
Finally, we experienced computing devices in the local environment, such as automatic doors, book scan in the library and self-scan in the shop.

Most importantly it is has been lots of fun!!

Pentland Term 2

It’s been another very busy and fast term in Pentland!

Our highlight was hosting the Children in Need café. We hope you agree that we did an amazing job, raising over £1000! On the day we all had important jobs to do from greeting all the guests to selling raffle tickets to manning our stalls and activities. We had lots of fun and it was great to see sooooooooo many people supporting us!!!

We also had fun celebrating Halloween through pumpkin sensory play and drama games, going on an adventure with Oily Cart, being silly with the Clown Doctors and getting messy in messy play!

Of course there has been some serious hard work too! Developing our cooking and art skills, working on our understanding of cause & effect, and practising our number and counting skills.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Pentland Term 1

Well that was certainly a VERY busy and fast first term in our new school!

We have some new pupil and adult faces in Team Pentland this year and have been enjoying making friends and getting to know each other better.

Team Pentland this year:

Class Teacher – Louise

Advanced Pupil Support Workers – Alison, Caroline, Julie, Linda & Louise (yes, 2 Louises!)

Our pupils

We also have Linda (yes, another one!) for art, Gordon for music and Catherine for drama

Here are some of our highlights…

We have also been busy creating our Class Charter and Global Goals displays…

Hope everyone has a fun and well deserved holiday.

Pentland Term 4

Well folks, it’s nearly the end of another term as well as the end of the school year and our time in the old Beatlie School campus!

It’s been another fun and busy term with lots of activities and we have put together a short video of our 2 favourites…

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy summer 🌞, hopefully we’ll see lots of you at the Beatlie Bash on Friday 🥳 and then it’ll be time for lots of new adventures in our amazing new school! 😊

Team Pentland 💚

Pentland – Term 3

I think I say the same thing every time … but how is it the holidays again already?!?!

We’ve had another very busy term and especially enjoyed our families coming in to join us for a Clown Doctors session, Burns’ Ceilidh, Fairtrade cafe and Red Nose Day cafe!

Our current topic is Spring which we will be continuing next term. We have also taken part in Chinese New Year, Valentines, ECO and British Science Week activities.  Phew!!!

Two of our favourite activities were making Mr Nonsense (now our new class mascot) for the Red Nose Day cafe and throwing our wildflower seed bombs around the woodland to help the local wildlife…

The staff working hard too…

Think they enjoyed it as much as the children…

Our finished product…

Happy Easter from everyone in Pentland!

Pentland – Term 2

WOW! Who can believe Christmas is here already!

We’ve had another very busy term in Pentland with lots of new learning and fun celebrations including World Smile Day, Diwali, Halloween, Bonfire Night, Scottish Book Week, St Andrew’s Day and, of course, Christmas!

We have really enjoyed having our families back in school to take part in the Live Music Now café, watch our Christmas performance and see us meet Santa.

Our topic this term was ‘Day & Night’. We had fun creating day and night skies in art, bathing and dressing baby dolls for daytime and night time activities, and taking part in some day and night drama activities, including putting on our PJs and then snuggling up with a teddy for a bedtime story!  We also explored dancing to lively and calm music and played some time games including ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’ and ‘Here we go round the mulberry bush’.  Some of our boys also explored day and night sequencing, sorting and opposites during our weekly maths group.

Here are a few photos of our topic work…


Our completed art gallery…

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to all our families from Team Pentland.