We would like to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to all the pupils of St.Nicholas! I am sure you will agree they were absolutely fantastic and put on an amazing concert.
Saoirse- “We were effective contributors because everyone joined in, sang out loud and were so happy to be performing for our community”.
Rosie- “We were successful learners because we worked so hard and we didn’t give up! We also learned so much about the 4 decades of our school!”
Fraser- “We were confident individuals because we were showing our talents and if we made a mistake, we continued to perform really well!”
Grace- “We were responsible citizens because we had the responsibility to learn different pieces of music really well, we had to help others, remember our parts and get ourselves organised!”
We would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to every single person who helped to make our concert so successful.
Our highlights:
- The face paints and the songs! And the whole thing because I really liked other classes’ songs and costumes. – Blake
- I liked the P7’s Bring it all back to you because it was really loud and I liked the slideshow. Also, the P7 narrators were excellent and P7 really organised the whole thing! -Alex
- Being able to dress up as people from different decades and I thought it was really nice that some of the girls did highland dancing. – Abbie
- Everyone got to participate even though they might have been a wee bit shy, they still did really well! -Natasha
- I liked it when the parents started clapping, I think they really enjoyed it! -Karolina
- The primary 1 and 2 children did so well especially since they are so little! The signing was really amazing. -Shaelyn
- I actually really liked the primary 3 children. Their dance was great! -John
- I liked the primary 5 children because I loved the guitars, saxophones, keyboard and the rap! -Ehlana
- I really liked the way Primary 4 organised their song because there were so many of them and their song was amazing and cheerful! -Piotr