Tag Archives: sums

Magnificent Maths in Primary 1b




Primary 1b have been having great fun with their numbers over the last couple of weeks. We particularly enjoyed working in teams to create numbers using our bodies. We had a team leader, who had to organise the rest of the team, and the team had to listen to them (we found it a bit tricky not to try to take over sometimes). We were proud of our hard work though.


active numbers

We have been working very hard with our addition. We have been using lots of objects to help us, and have been learning number bonds up to 5 as well. We are so clever!!

addition collage 1 addition collage 2

This week we have also been learning about money. We have been learning to recognise coins, and to use coins to make amounts to help us buy objects in the class shop.

We loved looking at the old coins Lucas brought in. There were coins which were over 100 years old!!! There used to be a 3p coin! We think that would be helpful now! Thank you for showing them to us Lucas.

Lucas old coins