Tag Archives: rrsstnics SDGstnics P2stnics literacystnics mathstnics

Busy time in P2….

It’s hard to believe that it’s almost the end of term! It flew by so fast. In Maths we were recently learning about…

-Calculating area in cm2 and m2.

– ‘The splitting strategy’ by adding and subtracting.

– We also learned about fractions

E.g., ½ ¼ ¾ etc…

-and we revised our other maths skills we learned before.

In Literacy, we learned about Narrative writing. We now know that we need;

-A title

– Orientation


– a resolution

-And Pictures!

We then planned out our writing and later wrote our stories about ‘The Little Duck’.

For our Sustainable Development Goals, we had an amazing idea to create a robot that gathers used plastic and makes them into toys!

Also, recently everyone saw our assembly about St Patrick, and we’re proud to say that it was a huge success!

For digital learning, we learned how to use Chatterbox by making funny talking pictures! 🙂

 We are finishing our topic about schools in the past – and after what we learned, we can say that we prefer to present schools much more!

Lastly, in science, we were learning about Living and Non-living things.


Have a lovely weekend everyone,


Mrs Koziel

