Tag Archives: resilience

P3’s spooktacular week!

Primary 3 have had a very busy week this week!

Emma – We learned how to make  pumpkin face using black paper and crepe paper. It was fun!

Sadie – We went to the library to borrow some books.  I picked a book about brains!

Owen – we had a hymn practise to learn hymns for Mass today for All saints Day. We learned the hymns Amazing Grace and Lord I Put Your Name on High.

Chloe – in handwriting we were learning to write the cursive letters p and q.  I think q is quite tricky.

Lena – in Music we learned the Hallowe’en song – the Witch fell in a ditch!

Andrew – we were thinking about resilience. We made resilience capes with ideas of how to make us feel better when we are having a down day. We know we can talk to others, read a book, go outside, play with toys and make a cake to feel better.

Jacob – we went to Mass on Monday. We had to sign hymns and say Mass responses and prayers.

Aroush – we have been learning about money in maths.  We have been learning to use different coins to make an amount. We can find more than one combination of coins to make a total.

Jessica Lily – in number talks we have been learning to make a friendly number to help us when adding 3 digits together.

Oliver – in Writing we were writing instructions about how to play a game of tig.    We know we have to include how to play, what you need and a title that tells us about what the instruction are for.  We also need to write them in order and use time openers like first, next, then and after that.

Chloe – in grammar we were looking at punctuation and making sure we use capital letters and full stops in all sentences!

Jessica-Lily- we also complete some Hallowe’en addition.