Tag Archives: research

Learning at the Library!

On Wednesday afternoon, all the Primary 4 children visited Broxburn Library.  We listened carefully to Diane sharing information about the Vikings.

Patryk – I found out some Viking names and the houses would have been dark because there were no windows.

Nia – I learned that children could get married as young as 12.

Cameron H – Viking houses had one large hole in the roof that allowed the smoke from the fire to escape.  They did not have any windows so the Vikings would have been hot in the warm months.

Lewis – Vikings did not have Sir names.

Elise D – The boats they travelled in were called long boats.

Adrian – The Vikings wore plain clothes.

Alanna – Some Viking men dyed their hair blond.

Anya – Vikings dyed their clothes using dye from plants.



P3 and P3/2 go wild!

We began our literacy work by discussing the difference between fact and opinion and sorted statements into these categories.

Our teachers put us into working groups to research a Scottish wildlife animal.  Our task was to find out about their habitat, diet, social grouping, babies and talents. Primaries 5 and 7 were very kind to allow us to use their netbooks to carry out this research.

We used a notebook to record all the facts that we were learning and used these notes to create colourful and informative posters displayed that we have learned.  Today we are going to present our findings to our classmates.

Elise D learned that adders have big sharp teeth.

Sophie K learned that foxes like to eat small animals and sometimes even eggs.

Cole enjoyed recording notes using the netbooks.

Sterling enjoyed making a colourful poster.