Tag Archives: primary2/1

A BIG thank you from Primary 1.

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Thank you so much to all of the mummies, daddies, grannies, grandads and friends who came along to today’s Macmillan Coffee Morning.  It was lovely to see so many people.  We had fun tasting the scrummy cakes that lots of lovely people baked.  You are all SO kind.

Lots of the money has been counted and we are pleased to say that we have raised £660.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us all.

Love Mrs Macdonald, Mrs Baty and Mrs Gibson.


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Macmillan Coffee Morning, Friday 25th of September.

Just a reminder to you all that P1 are hosting their first ever coffee morning on Friday, 25th of September at 11.00 in our school. Tickets cost £2 for adults at the door, children go free.  The ticket price includes a tea/coffee and cake.  There will be additional cakes for sale on the day too.  We will also have a donation box and a raffle.   Thanks for the support shown so far.  We have lots of lovely raffle prizes !

Thank you everyone,

from P1.

P1’s Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday, 25th of September.

Primary 1 are hosting their first ever enterprise event on Friday, 25th of September for Macmillan Cancer.

What are going to do ?

We are going to sell cakes to the boys and girls in each of the classes. These will be available before break time.Cakes will vary in price from 10p – 50p.

We are going to organise a non – uniform day.  We would like everyone to wear green and donate £1.00

We are going to have a cake and coffee morning for all St Nicholas mummies, daddies, grandparents and friends.  This will be in the hall from 11.00 – 12.00.  Entry for this will be £2.00 for adults. Kids go free.  The adult ticket will provide you with a refreshment and a cake.  There will be additional cakes for you to purchase on the day.  There will also be a raffle too.

There will be a donation box.  We are hoping to raise as much money as we can for a fantastic cause.  Please support us if you can.  More details to follow this week in a letter.

Many thanks,

Primary 1 teachers.