Tag Archives: primary 1a and 1b.

What have we learnt so far ?

Primary 1 are fair enjoying their  topic.  It is fandaaaabie dozeeeeee !

Whit dae we ken so far ?

(What do we know so far ?)

Michael – Nessie lives in Loch Ness.

Catherine – A ‘Heilan Coo’ is a highland cow.

Lucas C (P1b) – Inverness is near the top of Scotland in the Highlands.

Lucas C (P1a) – The Scotland flag is called the St Andrew’s cross.

Raqab- ‘Bahookie’ is the Scottish word for bottom.

Lucas T – Robert Burns was a writer.

Luca – Loch Ness is near Inverness.

Anya – Edinburgh Castle is on an old volcano.

Lots of super listening and finding out bairns !

Guid joab a’body !

(Good job everyone !)

Mrs Macdonald and Mrs Baty.