Tag Archives: #numeracystnics

Week 1: Getting ready for school!

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to your child’s transition activities!

Please click on the link below to access week 1. These activities are not compulsory but we hope that your child will enjoy doing some of them at home as they prepare to begin their school journey.

Please send any transition photos that you would like to share with us to our school mailbox: wlstnicholas-ps@westlothian.org.uk.

Speak to you soon,

Mrs Evans

Go to this Sway

Have a look at P2’s hard work.

  • In Maths we were practicing place value again and also odd and even numbers
  • We were estimating who is taller and who is smaller and we were checking the exact height of a few of us using a meter tape. We know that 1m = 100cm
  • We were upskilling our maths knowledge by using the Rekenrek and it was good fun.
  • We did some coding using exact instructions. We are able to reach the destination e. g. 5 steps forward, turn left etc.
  • In literacy we were practising handwriting with the letters Aa and Bb also we were reviewing our knowledge about Vowels and Consonants.
  • Our new sound for this week was ‘sh’ now we know how to write words like: shop, shed, shut, dish etc.
  • We were making ‘Staying Safe’ posters, where we told everyone what to do to avoid Covid 19 as best as we can.
  • Picasso was an artist who inspired us to draw irregular funny faces. We also know that Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga in Spain.
  • We spent lots of time doing outdoor learning, especially when the weather was really nice. We were practicing maths, literacy, coding and science outside.
  • In science we were learning about forces. We were developing our knowledge about pushing and pulling.
  • On Tuesday we were celebrating Mary’s Birthday so we were praying to Mary more than usual as well as being nicer to each other.
  • We were also learning about our Solar System (we will be learning more about this in P3), we know now that we have 8 planets and that the Sun is a star.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Koziel


P2 Fitness Fortnight- Week 2

Primary 2 have been enjoying their second week of fitness fortnight. Here are some of the fun activities we have completed this week:

-We wrote letters to our favourite sports stars, telling them all about ourselves, why they have inspired us and asked them questions about things we wanted to find out about them.

– Researched the importance of exercise and made an informative poster.

– We continued to take part in our virtual sports day- Forth house were the winners!!

-Made a healthy smoothie and wrote detailed instructions to help someone else to make the smoothie.

-Took part in lots of fun fitness maths activities e.g. roll to dice and them together then use the answer to complete the exercises set.

-Joined in on Basketball drills on YouTube.

-We also took part in some relaxation activities

– Completed a dance class with Oti Mabuse on YouTube.

– We watched video about sun safety and then created our own video to tell others about what we knew about sun safety.

– We became the teacher and taught our families new skills.

– Using our knowledge of healthy eating we drew a healthy lunch box.

Here are some pictures of this week’s activities:

We can’t believe that it is now the last day of term. We hope you all have a fantastic summer holiday and can’t wait to see you all in August.

Mrs Alexander and Mrs Koziel

In this week P2….

We have been learning about the number sequences on number lines-Lauren

We have been learning about Mary as October is the month of Mary-Oscar

We have been learning about gifts and talents that God has given us . We all have different gifts and talents- Emily

We have been learning how to write the letters ( handwriting lesson) Yy and Zz- Zofia

We went to the library to get some interesting books which we can read at school-Joseph

On Wednesday we had a hymn practice and learned new hymns. – Inaaya

In  literacy we had a  tricky words spelling test on Wednesday and on Thursday we had a Big Writing about our favourite toys- Harvey L.

We have been learning about being responsible and respectful. We know  that we need to keep our hand to ourselves, this shows respect. – Jack