Tag Archives: netball Oliver perimeter

Netball, Oliver, perimeter…

This week in Maths P6 have applied their knowledge of how to calculate perimeter and area to design a zoo. They had to design the enclosures for each species, making sure all the animals had enough space to live and it was within the budget.
Primary 6 is working hard on their mental maths: excellent effort with this week’s tables challenge! We have also been working on multiply decimals in Number Talks.
In language we have learnt about colons and semi-colons and we also helped our buddies to spell common words correctly.
We learnt to tell the time in Spanish. You can practise at home using this website

P6 have also been busy auditioning for Oliver and rehearsing the songs. We are so excited about our production!

It was also an important week for our Language Ambassadors Ieuan and Shaelyn; who have been teaching the children in St Nicholas the feelings in Spanish. You did a fantsatic job. Well done!
Finally, we had a delicious Cake and Candy on Friday and a pupil v. teachers netball. Well done pupils for winning most matches!