Tag Archives: Measuring

Fun at P6b

We did some measuring- we estimated and measured the perimeter  of large rectangles in the classroom. We Made some paper clovers for St Patrick’s day and paper chains. We enjoy reading for pleasure and this week we went to the library. We have been doing research on careers and we are now working on a presentation about it. In writing we did a recount on Frankenweenie and in HWB we wrote questions to ask our parents. By Melanie and Victor


Zoo, Fitness measuring and Abacus

On Thursday we learned about an ancient calculating tool- The abacus. We built on our place value knowledge and learned how to solve sums using the abacus.

We also wrote a letter to thank the Zoo’s Education Officer for the lovely trip. We learned so many things about lots of different animals and the Cycle of Life.

As part of GLP we have talked about growing healthy, both physically and mentally. We have shared different ways in which we take care of our bodies and we discussed our life milestones with our families.

The highlight of our Friday was our fitness measuring activity (understanding & ordering decimals, using different tools for measuring). We went outside and measured our reaction time, long jump, height, etc.img_2845 img_2846 img_2847