My greatest appologies for the long delay since my last update.
Primary 1b have been so busy since coming back from the Easter holidays.
First of all, our most exciting news is that we have had some post. We have had letters from ‘The Friendly Dragon’. He lives in Fairyland, but he needs our help. Fairyland is disappearing, and he has asked us to read lots of fairytales, and rebuild Fairyland in our classroom, so all the fairytale characters have somewhere to go.
So far we have read Jack and Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Rumpelstiltskin, and The Three Little Pigs.
We have written some amazing stories of what we would see if we climbed the beanstalk. We also build a huge beanstalk in the classroom.
A couple of days later we came back in the classroom to see a huge mess in the classroom. Porridge was spilled everywhere and chairs were knocked over. It turns out Goldilocks had been in our classroom. She was such a monkey. We decided to make some Wanted posters, so everyone can look out for her, as she needs to come to say sorry. Although, we also read a book written by the baby bear (his name is Sam). Goldilocks is actually his friend, so we think she might be back soon.
Last week we wrote a letter to the dragon to let him know all about our adventures. He visited our classroom during playtime to read our letters. He was very impressed!
He then left us a new story, and some clues.

So this week we have been investigating The Three Little Pigs, to work out how to make our classroom comfortable for them to come to stay. We have got more straw, sticks and bricks in the class, and we are playing with them to build our own houses.
We have also been on an adventure around the school, to see what other materials things are made out of.
We found lots of metal, wood, bricks, fabric and plastic all over the school. Maybe the first two pigs could use some of these ideas? We also had some materials in the classroom, to investigate how heavy they are. We decided the feathers were the lightest, and the bricks were the heaviest.

We have been doing lots of other work too.
We are very very proud of our maths work at the moment. We have been adding numbers within 10, remembering the number bonds up to 10. We are getting very quick with these. We often play a game against Mrs Baty, and we ALWAYS win!
We have also been learning to answer take away sums. We are learning that we just need to count backwards.
We have even realised that adding and take away sums are linked! Did you know that?

Finally, Gabrielle was in a dance competition a couple of weeks ago. Both her, and her sister in nursery, had some amazing costumes and some fantastic routines. Well done girls!

We will try our best to remind Mrs Baty to update you all again very soon. Until then, adios!