Tag Archives: cross country

Gold, Silver and Bronze for Saint Nicholas in Broxburn Cross Country

On Wednesday the children of primary six took part in a cross country race against Holy Family PS, Uphall PS, Broxburn PS and Kirkhill PS.

We raced around the back of Kirkhill, the track was about 1 kilometre long. First all the girls raced and we were so pleased to see them all trying their hardest and keeping on going! The first girl from our school to cross the finish line was Madison Clarkson, she just missed out on a medal position but finished in the top 10 of around 100 girls in total!  Well done Madison and all the girls who did us proud!

In the boys race Saint Nicholas had a ‘clean sweep’ of the medals winning Gold, Silver and Bronze!!! First to cross the line out of all 100 boys AND taking the gold medal was our very own Logan Beagley, he was closely followed by his brother Michael Beagley in 2nd place and Eoin Sword in 3rd!


We are extremely proud of all the children who took part and represented our school in our local community!