Article 13
You have the right to find out things and say what you think, through making art, speaking and writing unless it breaks the rights of others
Everyone at the Film Club is very excited. We have been chosen to participate in an outreach project, working with a filmmaking professional who will stimulate and facilitate the making of our very own film! We will learn all the different skills required to produce a film, including scripting, camera skills, sound recording, lighting, editing and using proper film language. While doing all this we will develop not only digital skills, but also communication and teamwork.
Angus Reid is a writer, filmmaker and artist. He is founder/director of Speakeasy Pictures, 1987 – the present day, “…independent research in the medium of spontaneous self-expression: a therapeutic creative act that is a tool in the development of a child, an adult, a person”.

After meeting Angus last week, he is very excited about our chosen theme (to be revealed at a later date). Angus will be in to see us all next week, where we will begin to learn how to properly use a camera to record action and discuss further how we are going to stage our film. In the meantime, we have been busy making some of the props we will need.
We will keep you all up to date with how we are doing with regular blog posts, but in the meantime, you can have a look at the programme run by Into Film by following link in the parent/pupil link section.