Tag Archives: Competition

Gold, Silver and Bronze for Saint Nicholas in Broxburn Cross Country

On Wednesday the children of primary six took part in a cross country race against Holy Family PS, Uphall PS, Broxburn PS and Kirkhill PS.

We raced around the back of Kirkhill, the track was about 1 kilometre long. First all the girls raced and we were so pleased to see them all trying their hardest and keeping on going! The first girl from our school to cross the finish line was Madison Clarkson, she just missed out on a medal position but finished in the top 10 of around 100 girls in total!  Well done Madison and all the girls who did us proud!

In the boys race Saint Nicholas had a ‘clean sweep’ of the medals winning Gold, Silver and Bronze!!! First to cross the line out of all 100 boys AND taking the gold medal was our very own Logan Beagley, he was closely followed by his brother Michael Beagley in 2nd place and Eoin Sword in 3rd!


We are extremely proud of all the children who took part and represented our school in our local community!


Fantastic Football: Final Farewell!

Well done to all the primary 6’s and 7’s who played in the final Broxburn Schools Football Tournament on Friday after competing in many games, tournaments and festivals this year, they, as always, made us extremely proud and did very well. For the last set of fixtures we played in a mixed team from both p6 and 7, everyone recieved plaques for participating in the tournaments.

A huge well done and thank you to the wonderful Primary 7 pupils who played their last game for us and will move on to high school after the summer. They always represented the St Nicholas Primary School wonderfully, showing excellent sportsmanship and teamwork, talent and skill.

Primary 7 Team 2013/2014

Dominik, Luke, Jack, Chris, Gary, Mark, Byran, Liam, Aiza, Sean

Football Festival!

Article 29

We have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment.

Today the primary 7 football team were invited to take part in a football festival at Howden St Andrew’s Primary School! We played 4 games against teams from St Pauls, St Andrews, Holy Family and Livingston Village. We are very pleased to announce that we won every game!

This was a great opportunity to meet with other primary 7s from different schools, thank you to Howden St Andrew’s Primary School for organising the event!

A huge thank you to Mrs Bell and Mrs Thompson for driving us there and cheering us on from Miss King and the team!

St Nicholas Swimming Champions!

Article 15

We can join clubs and choose our friends as long as it doesn’t harm others.

Super Star Swimmer Hannah Spence!

A huge well done to our amazing talented swimmers here at St Nicholas Primary School! Many of them competed in the Broxburn Swimming Club Gala last week.

We are delighted to tell you that the pupils from St. Nicholas not only had a great time and tried their very best, but three of them came away with medals winning bronze, silver and GOLD!

Louis Mattheson came in 3rd, with Rachel Kendall just in front taking 2nd place and Hannah Spence the fastest of the lot winning 1st prize- A HUGE TROPHY! What a wonderful achievement!

Congratulations and a huge well done to all the boys and girls who took part in this event! We are so lucky to have such hard working and talented pupils in our school, and everyone at St Nicholas is extremely proud! Keep up the hard work!

Some Upper Area Swimmers!

Sporting Stars!

Article 15

You have the right to be with friends and join or set up clubs, unless this breaks the rights of others

Well done to Marco and Joseph from Primary 5B for their recent sporting achievements!

Marco won a wonderful football trophy when he played at a tournament in Ayr last week with his team Edinburgh Spartans. Congratulations Marco!

Joseph’s rugby team ‘Livi Hawks’ came second in a tournament at the weekend at Livingston Rugby Club against lots of other teams! Well done Joseph! Luckily Joseph will have the opportunity to showcase his rugby skills as Primary 5 continue their South Africa topic!

Congratulations boys, keep up the hard work! We are all very proud of you!

Terrific Ten Pin Bowling!

Primary 5 had a great time ten pin bowling at M and D’s theme park after their visit to Amazonia before the Easter holidays! We ate our lunch in  the arcade then got our shoes changed and into our bowling teams. It was great fun and there were lots of cheers and excitement as people managed to get strikes and spares during  the games!

‘We went on our school trip to bowling at M and D’s. We ate our lunch and got into groups and went to our lanes. Miss King, Mrs King, Mrs Coutts and Mrs Buchanan Coutts all had a shot and every time they got strikes! When we  finished my team had 83 points. We were having so much fun that we had to run for the bus because we were almost late! Luckily the driver was waiting for us.’ Hannah S

‘Bowling was amazing fun! I was in  a group with Callum, Colin, Oliver, Matthew and Lewis. We were all cheering when we got spares!’ Kieran

‘Jack won in our group but I was amazed because I managed to get TWO strikes!’ Louay

‘We were all celebrating when Declan got a strike! Well done.’ Andrew

Meet St Nicholas Football Team!

Meet the Primary 7’s from the St. Nicholas Football Team!

So far the team, along with Lewis and James from primary 6, have competed in 2 tournaments at the Albyn Park organised by the Broxburn United Sports Club. We have been playing against Broxburn Primary, Uphall Primary, Kirkhill Primary and Pumperston and Uphall Station Primary.

Our first tournament was on 29th November and we won every game.

Our second tournament was on 21st February and we won 5 of the games we played and lost 1.

On Friday 4th April we will be playing again at Albyn Park at 1.3opm. All are welcome to come and watch! We would love to see some supporters cheering on the school team!


A huge thank you from everyone at St Nicholas to Neil Gorman at Piggy Print for providing us with the fantastic football strips for the team and being our sponsor!


We are hoping to recruit a second team to play in tournaments from children in Primary 6! If you are interested in joining the Primary 6 football team please see Miss King or Mr Valentine as soon as possible!

Cheerleading Championships!

A huge well done to the girls from JHM Youth Team who competed at the ICC Cheerleading Championships on Saturday at Meadowbank in Edinburgh! They recieved a huge trophy for coming second in the competiton!

We are all very proud of Paige (P5 b) Lauryn and Olivia (P7b)! Keep up the hard work girls! We look forward to hearing all about your next competition in June!