Primary 6 have had a very busy fortnight and definitely deserve a long weekend of rest. We have been learning all about Fractions. We have been using the cuisennaire rods and outdoor games to help us understand the concepts. We have written persuasive letters to Design Engineers to try to persuade them to choose our creative designs to build. We have worked collaboratively in teams to create amazing videos about ways we can prevent adverse climate change. We have also written Manifestos and created campaign speeches for our mock elections on Tuesday.
All posts by Mrs Heather
P6 are enjoying being back at school. We have had a very productive and fun week. We enjoyed learning about BODMAS and the order of Operations. We worked together to help each other to understand this new concept. We worked in teams using our IZAK9 cubes to consolidate our knowledge and understanding of BODMAS. We got a little competitive..
We researched Earth hour and we created posters to demonstrate the importance of taking action to sustain our planet. P7 kindly helped with some brainstorming ideas.
In art this week we recreated sunflowers in the style of Van Gogh. We really enjoyed this activity.
We also created handy hints posters for BODMAS and for Plural Spelling rules.
In Outdoor Learning P6b were crowned the winners of a tactical defence game. It was very close and next week P6a are determined to snatch the title. Will they succeed?
P7A – More Marvellous Models
P7A – Japan
P6 Rocket Designs
Primary 6 worked hard on their homework assignment to design and build a rocket. Here are some pictures of our rocket designs.