P7 Broxburn Transition Camp

Hi everyone!

St Nicholas boys and girls have been having a great time at camp.  We’ve been busy non-stop with abseiling, playing laser quest, problem solving, the 3G swing, building shelters, and sitting round the camp fire with hot chocolate at night.  Our rooms are warm and cosy and we’re getting to know lots of children who’ll be with us in Broxburn Academy next year.  Our last night is tonight and we’re having a disco and movie night tonight.  Mrs McGuire is really proud of all of us: we’ve worked hard; taken part in all activities; and been an absolute credit to our parents and St Nicholas.

Photos will be uploaded when we get out of the wilds and back to civilisation.

See you all soon.

P7 Broxburn Academy Campers

One thought on “P7 Broxburn Transition Camp”

  1. Thanks to Mrs McGuire and all of the staff. It sounds like Kingswood was a roaring success. Looking forward to seeing the photos

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