The nursery children have been very busy making lots of spring time observations this week. They were delighted to find a centipede in the nursery and used their magnifying glasses to take a closer look at it . Some children noted how it had lots of legs and moved really fast and that although it was small it was long too. This prompted a mini beast hunt outside to see how many we could find in our garden.
Here are some of the activities that followed.
The children made this wonderful art display which illustrates the lifecycle of a butterfly . The children worked collaboratively and discussed what materials they would use. Some children thought it was a good idea to label the illustration using some of the new vocabulary they had learned. with some adult help the were able to copy the words and display them on our wall.
Lots of mathematical language was used during our discussions. We spoke about symmetry and how both sides of the butterfly were the same. Some of children made some of their own symmetrical butterflies and could talk about symmetry. We played a lady bug counting game on the smart board where the children could touch count or subitise the spots.