Primary 3’s week

Another busy and hard working week in Primary 3.  Some of the activities we have been doing this week are:

  • We have been finding out about the different jobs that the Egyptians did.  We have learned about Pharaohs and researched some information about them.
  • We have been thinking about what makes a good friend and the qualities they need to have.
  • We have been learning about division.  We have been sharing lots of objects out and trying to complete some division tasks. We also tried a sumdog challenge.
  • We have been looking for the silly word in a passage and trying to think of words that make more sense.
  • We looked at a famous artist work then thought about what we liked and disliked and how we could make it better.  We then created our own art work.
  • We read a passage of information then tried to draw what we thought it would look like.
  • We wrote a story about going on an adventure on a rocket.  We thought about where we would go and what we would do.
  • We listened to the Bruno Mars song ‘Don’t give up’ and thought about our growth mindset.
  • This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday so we looked at what this is and what it means.
  • We thought about the world of work and thought about jobs people do.  we thought about a job we would maybe like to be when we are older.
  • We looked at cereal boxes and thought about how they persuade us to buy them.
  • We have also been trying to write our own questions about books that we like.

Most children are enjoying the science, art and topic lessons.  Well  done Primary 3!

Thank you for all the feedback and photographs this week. We have received nearly 100 photographs! Keep working hard P3.  We are very proud of you.

Mrs Canning and Miss McCormack

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