This week in p5 we have been very busy learning lots of different things.
In literacy we have been learning how to spell iregular words. We have also been learning the genre of writing a diary inspired by Anne Frank. Anne was a Jewish girl but she was born in Germany. She moved to the Netherlands during the war. She was held captive by the Nazis.
In numeracy we have been going over measurement( perimeter, area, width and length ). We made measurment posters and continue to practise our times stables and the 24 hour clock time and am/pm.
In R.E we have started to learn about Lent and Jesus’s hard time in the desert. We have prepared a Lenten calendar with lots of fun activites on the countdown to Easter. On Easter Sunday we remember how Jesus rose from the dead.
In P.E we have finished with our gymnastics routines and for no we have been playing some really great fun ball games. We hope to move on to a new active topic in the near future.
Well done Primary 5 !
Written by Catherine and Gerard.