Next busy week in P2…

In maths we have been learning about movements. We know what is half turn, full turn, quarter turn in clockwise and anticlockwise- Derren

We have been practising our handwriting with letters Ww, Vv, Xx, Yy-Jannat and Ehtan

We have learnt about Litre and mililitre. We know that 1L is 1000 ml. We can estimate if the container holds more then 1L or less then 1L.- Matty

We know now that volume is how much liquid is in the bottle and capacity is how much water the bottle can hold.- Orla

We have been learning about Chinese New Year and we designed our own dragon masks- Thomas , Connor

In art, we learned how to draw a person and make a shadow.-Steffi

On Thursday it was a National Book Day and our P6 buddies came to read books for us and they helped to write a book review with us.- Niall

We made a prayer for Christian Unity Week. We wrote our prayers on a paper flowers and we made a bouquet.- Lauren

We have been doing gymnastics in PE. We have been doing to do pencil rolls, handstands, splits, cartwheels and forward rolls. – Caitlyn

We learned about the importance of a compass. It helps us to work out where North, South, East and West is- Inaaya.

We have been learning about Robert Burns. He was born on the 25th January 1759.- Jack and Zofia

We celebrate Burns night on the 25th January every year. At a Burns Supper they eat haggis, neeps and tatties- Penny

We looked at lots of different tartans and then designed our very own tartan- Murron

We decided that our new topic is going to be about Houses and Homes. We discussed what we would like to learn about Houses and Homes – Caiden and Orla

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