Primary 5’s Weekly Round Up

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Primary 5 have had another busy week.  What have we up to ?

In Literacy we have used Literacy Circles again and learnt how to be an Illustrious Illustrator and practised the other roles too including Word Wizard , Character Cop and Summariser Sergeant.  We are reading a lot more in general and are enjoying this.  We have practised our spelling words using lots of active spelling cards.  Some of our favourites include: ‘Other Handed’, ‘Rap your Words’, ‘Buzzing Bees’, ‘Colourful Words’ and ‘Upper and Lower’.  These activities are fun to complete and help us with the spelling of our words.

We have been learning the skills of what it takes to be a journalist in our writing this week.  We were given scenarios and wrote headlines for them.  Catherine’s headline, ‘St Nics Steal Sports Award’. Super use of alliteration here !

In Number  Talks we have recapped strategies to help us to solve more complex calculations.  We are very good at explaining our methods and really enjoy this.  We have also learnt how to identify 6 digit numbers and know that their value changes depending on their place.

In our Sports Ed topic, Basketball we have been working in groups to research a famous basketball team.  Once we have completed our research we ill make posters/Sway presentations to share our findings.

In R.E we learnt all about St Therese of Liseux and watched a clip of her relics arriving in Edinburgh.  What have we learnt ?

Image result for st therese of lisieux


‘She was born in France’ – Lucas C.

‘She died at the age of 24’  -Liam.

‘She died of tuberculosis’ – Gerard.

‘She had four sisters’ – Natan.

‘She is also known as Little Flower’ – Catherine.

‘She became a nun when she was 15’ – Leonard.

‘Her last words were, ‘Oh God I love you’. – Hamza.

‘She cried a lot as a child and struggled’ – Brooke.

‘She did lots of good deeds every day and prayed hard’ – Oliver.

Lots of hard work and learning going on in P5, we are definitely ready for our long weekend.

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