We have had a busy few weeks in Primary 3. Last week Marcia came to see us to teach us some Reflexology. We enjoyed learning the different moves especially Indigo Glide, Red Squeeze, Silver Sweep and Violet Circles.
In Numeracy we finished off looking at multiplication. We know that we can make links between the 2 and 4 times tables for example if 2×6 = 12, we know that 4×6=24, because it is double. Some of us need to keep practising these facts so that we are confident at recalling our times tables. We have also been looking at measuring the area of shapes using non-standard units such as counters, cubes and the squares in our maths jotters. Furthermore, we also know that for squares and rectangles we can use multiplication to calculate the area.
In Literacy we have revisited what a verb is and have been learning about adverbs. We tried to think of some amazing adverbs such as peacefully, fiercely, beautifully, grossly and excitedly.
In Science we have recently been learning about our Skeleton. We used Forms to create a quiz all about the Skeleton, we even created a QR code to share our quiz with Mrs Brown! We enjoyed using digital technology to play Kahoot! to check our knowledge!
As a stage we have been working with James Pegg to take part in weekly Health and Wellbeing lessons called Fun Start Fitness. During these lessons we focus on a different theme, such as Healthy Hearts, Water, and Food and Energy. We play a variety of games, and we are learning to use encouragement to make each other feel better, even if we are not winning.
We have a busy few weeks coming up with Fitness Fortnight, so check back next week so see what we have been up to!