Families Connect (Week 6) – The Importance of Counting

Do you remember learning how to count? Do you have to even think about what 5 take away 2 is? The answer is probably no to both these questions. Most of us can’t remember a time when we didn’t know our numbers up to twenty; when we didn’t somehow automatically know that 5 take away 2 was 3. And this is why we might find it hard to understand that learning to count for our children, is really quite complex.
In Week 6 of Families Connect we tried to bring this home to our parents by playing a little game where we no longer had numbers, just the alphabet. So 1,2,3… became A, B, C and there was no cheating and trying to translate back to numbers! In the game, we started off easy counting from A to Z, from G to M. Then we tried counting backwards from Z to A or even K to C…and it got a bit tricky. By the time we came to counting in B’s and E’s (akin to counting in 2’s and 5’s) we were really toiling and the final straw was doing sums: F plus M equals…., B plus G equals….?? Give up was the response from most parents!
When our children begin to count this is exactly how tricky it can be for them. And this response of ‘give up’ can be a common one. So, it is important for us to remember this, to be patient and support them as much as we can to just keep on trying. And critically, don’t think that your children are ‘just not good at maths’ as all they need is a bit more practice.
The best way to do this is simply by counting together as much as possible, and to make it fun. There are loads of opportunities in everyday life to include some counting and for you to help reinforce your children’s learning. In the group, we discussed counting toys, counting steps, counting plates at dinnertime and even counting socks, because apparently some children are already trained to put away the washing! We also played a counting game where we counted different objects in and out of a gift box, trying to win all the objects from the other player. Simple games like this are a great way to give your children a good maths start. The only downside….you might need to refresh yourself on the messages from Week 1 of Families Connect when we looked at managing feelings, because it seems like most children do NOT like losing games!

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