P4b’s Week.

This week seems to have gone in a flash ! What have we been up to ?

Image result for you are what you read

In literacy we have been talking about how important reading is.  We are making a real effort to read more books for enjoyment and not just the reading book that we are given at school.   We also been learning about prefixes and our sound of the week has been ph.

In maths we have been practising telling times on analogue and digital clocks.  We have also spoken about area and are continuing to practise our times tables.

We drew some daffodils this week and used wax crayons and watercolour to colour them in.  We are proud of these are we all made a beautiful job and put in a lot of effort.  In digital learning some of us manged to finish recording our books for the P1s and we have also used the laptops and ipads to play maths games on.

Image result for music clip art

And for the exciting part ! In our music lesson earlier today we were taught how to read music using two notes , ‘so’ and ‘mi’ .  This was challenging to begin with but we got there in the end.  We are great at using our growth mindset in P4b.  We certainly don’t give up when there is a challenge.  Have a nice weekend everyone !

What have we enjoyed the most this week ?

Catherine – ‘I have enjoyed completing all of the maths games on the computer’.

Shay – ‘I have enjoyed balancing in P.E’.

Gerard – ‘I have enjoyed completing more time activities’.

Liam – ‘I have enjoyed recording ‘Mr Big’ for the wee ones’.

Freyja – ‘I have enjoyed reading because my book is exciting’.

Alicia – ‘I have enjoyed doing the deliberate mistake task.  This is when we read a story and have to find the silly words and highlight them’.





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