This week we have been busy learning about so many things!
In Language, we have learned about when to use different tenses (past, present and future.
We have continued learning about time (telling time on digital and analogue clocks, duration of activities) and we are definitely becoming more confident.
We have done a lot of Number Discussions this week. In Number talks we have focused on the strategy of breaking numbers into smaller factors (multiplication) and we also made posters to show all the strategies we can come up with to solve a given sum.
In RERC we have been learning about the 7 Sacraments and we are making a Power Point to show our learning.
In Spanish we focused on improving our spelling and reading. We have also done some revision of the days of the week, months, weather and seasons. We have also learned how to say “can I go to the toilet” in Spanish with this song
Finally, we organised a short assembly in which we found out who the winners of the JRSO competition were.
Well done to the Junior Road Safety Officers for Organising everything and well done to the two winners of the competition. Summer (P4a) and Adrian (P6b) your mascots were fantastic!!