Primary 3 Update

We have been very busy in P3 this week!


Things that we enjoyed doing this week:

Neve- I enjoyed finding out about the sun and the moon and making a day and night picture.

Emily – I really enjoyed learning the next joined up letters in handwriting, they were n  and m.

Aaron- I really liked performing the assembly with all of my friends.


Things we found tricky this week:


Justin- I found the division sums quite difficult this week.

Paula- I found it tricky trying to remember what animals come out at night and what ones come out during the day.

Bella-Rose- I found it tricky working on my fluency in reading because there were some words I had to sound out.


Things we would like to learn about next week:

Sam: Next week I would like to learn about where the sun and moon came from.

Mirin- I would like to find out how much big things like boxes weigh.

Ronan-I would like to find out how the sun and the moon give light to earth.


We have been practising really hard in class for our 80’s dance in the jubilee concert, can we please remind you to bring in costumes by Friday the 25th to allow us to have a dress rehearsal.


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