Before the Easter holidays the boys and girls of primary 3 finished a wonderful topic all about the circus!
To end it all we were lucky enough to visit a real travelling circus when it visited West Lothian. We were all amazed with the breath taking performances of the dancers, jugglers, fire eaters…. It was incredible!
Have a look at some of the photos of what we got up to during our topic below!
walking the tightrope
balancing act
circus skills
how many can you balance?
great balancing
what kind of house does a clown live in?
circus classroom
acrobats in the class
building a clown house
clown cookies
proud creators!
clown cookies
don’t try this at home
fun at the circus
face painting
amazing acrobats
strong man
super strong!
our gang!
St Nicholas on the stage
One thought on “The Big Finale… Primary 3 at the Circus!”
I love the circus.It was great!