If for any reason, the school is unable to open (Boo!!), here’s a few activities to keep you occupied.
- Think of words to describe the snow and use them on the following page to create your own text snowflake.
- Create a poster showing how to keep warm and safe in Winter.
- Write a newspaper recount of an event that happened while you were off.
- Continue to read your Accelerated Reading book then carry out one of the activities on your literacy sheet.
- Keep up with the challenges and quizzes on Sumdog.
- Measure the depth of the snow in the garden and record it on a graph. Is the snow deeper at the front or the back? Try tracking it over time.
- Make something in the kitchen that involves measuring cups
- Draw a map of your house and work out the area and perimeter of each room.
Thinkers Key Activities
- Different Uses – find 10 uses for an odd wellie
- The Invention – design a new method of getting around in the snow
- What if? – What if the snow completely blocked you inside your house? what would happen (1/2 page)
- The Ridiculous – All the children have the flu and can’t make it into school (10 lines).