Primary 3-7 were extremely lucky to receive a visit from a fantastic Australian author yesterday… Jaqueline Harvey.
Jaqueline has written a series of books about girls called Clementine-Rose and Alice-Miranda. She entertained the children with exciting excerpts from her books and had everyone laughing in their seats!
She even had two very eager and willing participants in Ellie (P7) and Finlay (P6) who had to act out a very funny scene!
We would like to thank GlowWorm books in Broxburn for organising this very special event for us.
That was an amazing day I was so exicted that we had a author in the school it was amazing thank you for coming
I enjoyed listening to stories of Jaquiline harveys childhood
The story’s were very interesting and I even bought one of her books and it was singed

I loved hearing about the stories they were so interesting:)