Rainforest Challenge

Primary 5 have been set a new homework challenge:

Learning Outcome:

I can write to transfer information.


Rainforest Topic Book


Skill/Disposition Targeted:

Research and Investigation

Creative thinking

Essential Knowledge/Questions (s)

The world around us – use a variety of skills to demonstrate an understanding of knowledge and ideas.


 You are now very knowledgeable about the rainforest, but during our lessons and investigations you may have discovered that the topic books available have not fully met our requirements.  You are therefore going to design and create your own topic book to be displayed and available for others to use in our school library.

Your challenge is to present your information in a well presented non-fiction book.  Within your book you should clearly describe how life in the rainforest differs from ours.  Your readers will be particularly interested in topics listed below and if you are looking for your book to be displayed in the library, you should include at least 4 full pages of information, each on a different topic, in a mixture of written and art work.

  • Facts: location, weather
  • Plants: layers, purpose
  • Tribe life: roles of the family members, what homes look like, jewellery.
  • Animals: categories, food chain.
  • Conservation: what is happening? How can we help?
Product Criteria:


  • Each learner must produce an informative topic book.
  • Your book should highlight the differences between lifestyles and cultures in the rainforest with that of Scotland.
  • Your book should be completed and handed in on Thursday 3rd April.


  • Front cover
  • Contents page
  • At least 4 subject chapters.
  • Clear and neatly written information with correctly spelled words and appropriate punctuation.
  • Detailed artwork relating to topical subjects.
  • Glossary
  • A fun page
Process Criteria:

Key Attributes/Performance Criteria:  Creative thinking


  • Use your imagination to transfer your knowledge of the rainforest into a creative, informative book.
  • Remember this is YOUR (not your parents) homework challenge so use your time wisely!

To help you succeed, we have already created a detailed success criteria:

Rainforest Topic Book Challenge

Handed in on time                                                   1 point

Front cover                                                             1 point

Contents/Glossary pages                                        2 points

4 subject areas                                                      4 points

Fun page                                                                  1 point

Neat handwriting                                                    2 point

Clearly written in own words                                  3 points

Appropriate punctuation

(capital letters, full stops, commas, question

marks and exclamation marks)                               2 points

Correctly spelled common words and topic

Words                                                                     2 points

Detailed art work                                                   2 points

There will be an additional 5 floating points awarded by the teacher for exceptional effort above and beyond usual capabilities.

Total             25 points

Gold certificate            18 points or above

Silver certificate          14 – 17 points

Bronze certificate        11 – 13 points

Fail                                 10 points or below

Miss King and I are really looking forward to seeing what you can produce to show your new knowledge and understanding of the rainforest!!!  Good Luck

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