Our Viking Trip!

Today we went for a visit to the National Museum of Scotland. We all had a fantastic time. We saw lots of Viking artefacts including pots, jewellery, weapons and utensils. We even saw a Viking man’s grave! We know that Vikings were buried with objects that were special to them. We saw one poor horse who was buried with his master. We got to handle a lot of Viking artefacts too. We found out that the Vikings used ice skates and that they played games that were similar to chess. Following lunch, we had a quick visit to the fantastic animal kingdom, and then we were homeward bound for St Nicholas and Broxburn.

Thanks to all our helpers today: Miss King, Mrs Fitzpatrick, Mrs Chaudhry and Mrs Chatterjee.

5 thoughts on “Our Viking Trip!”

  1. when the p3 get on to the vikings i think thay would love lerning aboute it [0;] the most best thing is you get to do allot of arts and craft

  2. Wow guys
    Sounds like you had an
    Amazing time!! Did you
    Learn anything amazing?
    Or something you didn’t know before?
    Well hope you had fun

  3. Thank you for letting me come on your trip primary 4 and 4/3! I had a wonderful time and learned lots about the Vikings!

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