Primary 5b have been learning all about animals of the rainforest!
We worked in pairs of research teams and were given an animal to create a fact file for, all the fact files were to be published in our very own ‘Rainforest Encyclopedia’!
Some of us had animals we had never even heard of like an okapi (which is actually a horse like creature with zebra legs!) or a gaboon viper (which is a deadly snake!), before we started our research another research team set us some questions to find out about our animal, such as; How long does it live for? Is it poisonous? What does it eat?
We went off in our research teams and used the internet and books to find our information. Then we used Mircosoft Word to create eye catching fact files with images and different fonts!
Once our fact files were complete and in the encyclopedia we presented them to our class, some of the facts were amazing… Did you know a blue morpho butterfly has a lifespan of only 115 days? The harpy eagle has a wingspan of over 7 foot!
We then provided each other with quality feedback on the presentations, we looked at each others fact files and tried to decide if they had provided enough information or answered all the questions they were asked, then we left comments for the researchers to read! We are hoping our wonderful encyclopedia will be filled with amazing information all about the rainforest as we continue our topic!
Next we are moving on to classifying animals as vertebrates or invertebrates, then mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles!
Our rainforest topic is
Amazing!! It’s sooo fun
There is so much to learn about
Drawing these was really fun
Well I really enjoyed it ❤️
I can safely say that the rainforest is the best topic I’ve ever had
It looks amazing Primary 5b Well Done guys.
I love all your animals. Did you have fun making them?
stupendous well done thay look fantastec
No problem Alexander! I’m sure they will be really impressed!
Well done boys and girls for all your hard work with your fantastic drawings! They are amazing!
thank you miss king you did a great job but my parents would like to see my chimpanzee if that is posible.