P5/6 Made Carbon Dioxide

P5/6 A made carbon Dioxide today.

In groups we measured vinegar into a bottle and placed baking soda into a balloon. We then placed the balloon carefully onto the top of the bottle. When we tipped the powder into the vinegar, it fizzed rapidly, and made CO2. The balloon inflated and we measured it’s circumference.

We then filled another balloon with a similar amount of air and dropped them both from a height. Mrs Abraham helped us up one at a time in each group to test our balloons.

We found out which gas was heavier, carbon dioxide or air, what do you think?

A Catch up with P5C!

We have been working hard and doing lots of fun activities.

We enjoy reading with our P1 reading buddies.











We loved practising our Think Dance and then performing at the MacRobert.










We enjoyed buying books at the Ghana fundraising book sale.

St. Mary’s Theme Park

As part of our Disney project each animation group is going to design a theme park ride. The ride your group will design shall relate to the animation film you are currently filming e.g. Star Wars, Harry Potter etc. On a blank sheet of A4 paper, or in your homework jotter, draw a draft design of you ride. Give it a title, the age range/height it is appropriate for, how the ride works, how long it lasts and the price you will charge people. Add more information if you want as we prepare to design our own theme park. You can base your design on all the fun things you would like to do at a theme park or have experienced. Have fun!

World Book Day

Normally we celebrate World Book Day by dressing up as a character from a book and we look for photographs to be handed in that show unusual places to be ‘caught reading’.

If you are dressing up today at home, as a character from a book, take a photograph and try and find an unusual place to read your book!

I know P4/5K have Dr Seuss costumes they could wear again; have a fun day whatever you do.

Snow and the Engineer Challenge

As the weather has been so bad roads around Stirling have closed and people are being advised not to travel in the car. Can you think as a design engineer and overcome this problem? What could you design to help people continue to travel in these conditions? Something to help cars cope with the conditions or another form of transport that would make travel easier; looking forward to seeing and hearing what you come up with. Keep me posted.


Allowing our children to develop personally, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually.

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