All posts by Mrs Abraham

Who Was To Blame For The Titanic Becoming Such A Major Disaster?

P5/6A researched a number of people who they thought contributed to the Titanic’s accident becoming one of the most significant disasters of all time.

Each person had a small role to play in the terrible tragedy.

The pupils then led a class debate where we decided who was most responsible, just like the two enquiries held in America and Britain after the accident.

Captain Smith – As the ships captain he was responsible for going too fast on the night and for ignoring several warnings of  icebergs in the area.

The Shipbuilders – who were thought to use poor iron for the 3 million rivets used.

Bruce Ismay – The manager of the White Star Line Company who owned the ship. He wanted to set a world speed record for the voyage and pressured the captain into pushing full steam ahead.

Thomas Andrew – He was the ship’s architect. Under pressure to provide more room on board for luxuries, he did not stick to his original plans for 12 compartments which were watertight. The new version did not reach all the way up to the deck and so were not totally sealable. He also did not place enough lifeboats on deck, as he was pressured by Bruce Ismay.

Captain Lord- The captain of the nearest ship, who ignored distress flares and had his radio turned off that night.

Fredrick Fleet and Officer Murdoch were also called into question.

We agreed that everyone played a part in the disaster but that Captain Smith should have put safety first and not listened to Bruce Ismay about the speed. There were other factors which made the Captain to blame that night.

We then looked at the things we would change, the lessons learned from that night. Finally we looked at the laws put into place to save lives in the future.

Well done P5/6 A lots of work went into these debates.

Titanic Drama!

P5/6 A   had a dramatic afternoon based around their topic theme of, ” Titanic,” they depicted a number of scenarios from the ship.

Can you guess…

Who were:

the staff?

the first class passengers

the cooks

the waiters

the engineers

the cleaners?

Who enacted…..

The impact of the Titanic hitting the iceberg

Getting into the lifeboats

Sitting down to dinner in first class

leaving Southampton???





P5/6A and P6 School Trip

P5/6A and P6 had a wonderful trip this week to, “The Tall Ship, ” in Glasgow.

Firstly a huge thank you to those parents who came along to help, you were  fantastic.

We had two workshops one where we learned to be archaeologists and locate artefacts correctly, and then we guessed what some of the objects were and lastly sorted which were real, over 100 years old , and which were fakes. Can you tell from the photographs?

We then had a super workshop where we learned about, ” Morse Code,” from two retired Merchant Seamen, who were really interesting to listen to and let us try Morse Code ourselves.

I hope you enjoy our photos as much as we enjoyed our day!

P5/6A Super Lesson By Khayla

Khayla prepared a

n excellent lesson based on the Titanic. The class used biscuits and icing to recreate their own boats.

They were wonderful to make and even nicer to eat afterwards!


P5/6 Made Carbon Dioxide

P5/6 A made carbon Dioxide today.

In groups we measured vinegar into a bottle and placed baking soda into a balloon. We then placed the balloon carefully onto the top of the bottle. When we tipped the powder into the vinegar, it fizzed rapidly, and made CO2. The balloon inflated and we measured it’s circumference.

We then filled another balloon with a similar amount of air and dropped them both from a height. Mrs Abraham helped us up one at a time in each group to test our balloons.

We found out which gas was heavier, carbon dioxide or air, what do you think?