Primary 6


We are Primary 6 and our teacher this year is Mrs Green. We have 13 boys and 9 girls in our class. All children are settling into their new learning environment and are keen to show they are ready, respectful, and safe.

  • In Literacy we will start a new unit of Talk for Writing, imitating a text, innovating, and creating our own. ‘Alien Landing’ will be our first unit of work, where we will be creating a writing toolkit to allow us to individually write a suspense tale focusing on setting. We will continue with Accelerated Reading and further develop our comprehension skills through our class book study ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo.
  • In Numeracy and Mathematics, we will be reading, writing, ordering, and comparing numbers up to at least one million. We will also look at rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000, and adding and subtracting using formal written methods, and mentally. We will also be covering place value involving decimal fractions and on top of this we will be continuing to work on our times tables skills.
  • Our IDL topic this term is ‘Survival’, and we will be looking at how we could survive if we were washed up ashore just like the main character in Kensuke’s Kingdom. Lots of fun outdoor learning will come from this topic.
  • Our PE sessions this term will be Bikeabilty on a Thursday morning and we are incredibly lucky to have a PE specialist, Mr Crookston, to teach us during our Monday lesson.
  • Mr Thomson will be in every Wednesday to lead our singing lessons. We cannot wait to showcase our our work in December.
  • Miss McFarlane will be in every Wednesday to lead outdoor learning lessons.

Remember to ask P6 all about the exciting learning that is going on in our class. X will also keep you up to date with many of the fantastic things we will be doing.

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