Tag Archives: world spelling day

World Maths Day and World Spelling Day

World Maths Day starts the 1st of March.  All you have to do if you want to be in the World Maths Day is make an account at this website http://www.worldmathsday.com/ and practice lots. You can win PRIZES but no matter how many points you get you will always get a certificate, and you get 100 games and their time limit is 60 secs in the 48 hour time period. World Spelling Day is the same but it is on the 3rd of March and you don’t get sums you get sentences but you only get one word to spell from the full sentence. Also you can compete against anyone in the whole WORLD. So I hope you have FUN on the 1st and the 3rd.
Bye Bye 🙂

Going Global – challenge 3
