Category Archives: Uncategorized

Meet BONKERS!!!!!!!

We can finally unveil the famous hen – BONKERS!! Bonkers has been a star on our blog for the past few weeks.

It has taken a while to get the sought after picture of BONKERS, but last night at 6.05pm paparazzi were finally able to capture the image.

The Famous BONKERS!!!

Thankyou to everyone who took part in our vote to name Abby’s hen, she is very pleased with the result!!!

Science Day

On the 17th of Febuary we had a science day.We had lots of liquids like washingup liquid,shampoo and lots more we had to follow the instructions step by step to see if water can mix with oil.We went round two classes and did lots of fun stuff like looking through microscopes,making little droplettes from oil prufe papper and lots more.we have lots of pictures of us trying to make different liquids.

Experimenting with liquids.

Mixing oil and water
Stirring things up!!
Some interesting results!!
A rainbow of colours and textures


Hi Primary 5
Sophie the French poodle has stopped by our blog with some questions, Listen carefully and see if you can answer them. You can press pause if she is speaking too fast for you!! 😀
Miss Docherty

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And the Winner is…

Abby, Miss Docherty and the children of Primary 5 would like to thank everyone who took part in the vote to name Abby’s hen. We had 205 votes. This is much more than we expected.

Here are the final results
Last place – Pecky – 16 votes
Fourth place – Chicksy – 26 votes
Third place – Henrietta – 31 votes
Second place – Miss McNugget – 52 votes
First place – BONKERS – 80 VOTES!!!!! 🙂 😀

Thanks again for taking part. Sorry we do not yet have a picture of BONKERS to post. Hopefully we will have one up soon.

Abby’s Hen – The story so far

Abby is one of the pupils from Chapelside Primary in Airdrie. Abby was given the responsibility of naming one of her Papa’s new hens. Primary 5 came up with lots of ideas for Abby’s hen and after a vote managed to narrow this down to the top 5 ideas. One of the children suggested putting the vote to the public and posting a request for help on our class blog. So far we have had lots of votes.

Here are the top 5 names and the votes they have received so far-

Pecky – 1

Miss McNugget – 28

Henrietta -7

Chicksy -11

Bonkers – 15

The winning name and a picture of Abby’s hen will be posted on our blog on Thursday 10th February.

Don’t forget to vote !! 🙂

Thanks to everyone who has taken part so far.

Abby, Miss Docherty and The Brilliant Bloggers 😀