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Miss Docherty’s Mega Mother’s Day

Hi Brilliant Bloggers

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our Mums

I hope that all of you managed to do something to make your Mum feel really special on Mother’s Day yesterday. I wonder if any Mums traded in their IOU coupons. There were lots of fantastic promises made and I am sure the Mums would have enjoyed trading them in.

Well, Kaitlynn and Emily made sure I felt really special yesterday on Mother’s Day.

Here is a run down of my MEGA Mother’s Day.

First I had breakfast in bed (toast and egg and a lovely cup of tea)

Next I was presented with my home-made cards (they spent lots of time making sure they were really beautiful. Kaitlynn wrote lots of lovely things and it brought a wee tear to my eye. Emily wrote me a lovely poem and drew me some beautiful pictures) I also got a store bought card and a ‘World’s Greatest Mum‘ certificate.

I also got some gifts including a lovely bunch of flowers, a candle holder that said ‘Thanks for being my Mum‘ and perfume. (I am so spoiled!!!)

Then I was given a day plan to show all the things that Kaitlynn and Emily had organised for my day ahead.

*breakfast in bed (it was yummy)

*footspa and facemask (I had my very own special throne made on the couch with all of the pillows and cushions – it was sooooooo comfortable)

*makeover – (we decided not to do make-up because we had all just used the face mask, but I got a lovely manicure and hand massage and we watched 13 going on 30, it’s such a great film. We really enjoyed it)

*bubble bath – (I relaxed in the bath while Kaitlynn and Emily (with a little supervision from Dad) made a three course meal. We had fruit cocktail, Chicken tikka with poppadoms and naan bread and then for dessert we had chocolate cake and ice cream. It was all delicious. mmmmm)

*Watch some friends – After my bubble bath I watched some Friends waiting to be called down for dinner.

*Rent a Movie – After dinner we rented Ramona and Beezus and The Other Guys from Film Flex.

I had such a fantastic Mother’s Day. I was really happy that Kaitlynn and Emily had went to such a lot of trouble to make sure I had a wonderful and relaxing day. I was not allowed to wash any dishes or lift a finger all day!! It was AMAZING!

So, that is how Miss Docherty spent her Mother’s Day. 😀 😀 😀

Miss Docherty

Parent’s Night and the Book Fair

Last week  was parents night that is when parents come in and see your teachers.Your parents look at your work then they go up to your teacher when its your turn.You are allowed to go up with you mum or dad to see if you are being good or bad at school.When you are at the parents night you can go to the book fair and buy a book or stationary.The book fair is really good and it has really funny books.

Abby and Katie