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Primary 5 have been very busy

Hi Primary 5
thanks to Kim and Nathan for writing such an excellent post about what you have been learning in class.
It sounds like you have been very busy and carrying out some really tricky work in your maths.
I am glad that you have started learning about the ICG. It is not long until the games begin across North and South Lanarkshire. I am super impressed with the amount of facts you have learned already and I am sure that lots of people are beginning to carry out some independent research of their own too!!!

I am missing you all lots and can’t wait to see you next week.

I will post again soon about my Kilbowie Adventures.

Miss Docherty

What we have been doing

Dear Miss Docherty

We have been learning about our new topic called International Childrens Games (I.C.G).Also we have been learning about parallel lines and perpendicular lines in maths. On Tuesday Mrs O’Hanlon told us to write what we think we know about I.C.G. Then we all went down to the carpet to find out the real facts about I.C.G. When we went down to the carpet we learned  that a P.E teacher in Slovenia Metod Klemec was the very first person to think of  the I.C.G. He was the brains behind it. He organised the very first I.C.G. in 1968 made up of teams from 9 European cities. We also learned that this year there was a joint bid between North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire and some of us know where the venues are for the activites. We learned the parrell and perpendicular on Monday and Tuesday it’s very hard sometimes.

Kim and Nathan

P5 post back

Hi Miss Docherty are you having a great time at kilbowie because it looks as if you are from the pictures.We have been swimming with Miss O’Hanlon and she was very pleased with us because we were excellent. N0w we are moving on to our novel studies.


Primary 5 went to  the Synagogue yesterday and we learned that there are no

pictures of people in the Synagogue. We also  learned about the Menorah lamp.

and we learned that boys from the age of 13 have a bar mitspha and they

become a man.

If one of the scrolls has a mistake they have  to stop the service and go and get another scroll. A scribe handwrites the scrolls and it takes a whole year to write.

Kirsty and Heather