School Concert

The Primary 5 and Primary 7 classes teamed up for the school concert this year. The genre of music that we chose was Hip Hop. We sang Price Tag, Dirty bit and Cooler than you.

Mrs O’Hanlon helped us with our dance moves for the show. We were very happy to get paired with P7 because this was their last year at the school and we had the chance to sing with them and perform on our stage at the school show together.

We wore denims, a big T-Shirt, sunglasses and a baseball cap.

Here are some pictures of us waiting to go on to perform for all of our families.

4 thoughts on “School Concert”

  1. Hey there. This is Kelly here.
    You all got your swagger going on there. You look fantastic. I would have enjoyed watching your peformance.
    Anyway, keep the great blog

    Room8, Melville Intermediate
    Hamilton, New Zealand

  2. Hey there. This is Kelly here.
    You all got your swagger going on there. You look fantastic. I would have enjoyed watching your peformance.
    Anyways keep up the great blog.

    Room8, Melville Intermediate
    Hamilton, New Zealand

  3. Hey my name is Shannon and i go to Melville Intermediate in Hamilton New Zealand.

    Your outfits are really cool. It would have been cool to watch your concert. What was your favourite part?
    Bye 🙂

  4. I loved the school concert and I especially loved miss Docherty’s choreography because she was showing us how to act cool and I really loved the music she picked, it was hip hop.


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