3 thoughts on “”

  1. • Kia ora, Hello
    Our names are Akash and Tom N we are year 5 students from a primary school in Nelson, New Zealand. Our country is currently hosting the Rugby World Cup and as part of this we are studying some different countries around the world. We have found out information by doing research about countries but we wanted to find out what it is really like growing up in your country. We have some questions that we would like to ask you. It would be great if you could respond to us, we would like to get to know you. Where is your favourite place? What is your school day like?

    You can contact us at room6@hampdenstreet.school.nz
    Also check out our class wiki http://room6hss2011.wikispaces.com
    We look forward to hearing from you.

  2. Hi Kim
    thannks for my lovely sparklee banner and for your very kind comments. I am a very lucky teacher to have had the chance to work with you this year. Keep working hard!!

    Miss Docherty

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