Week 4 – 1/2/21

Good Morning P4/5!

We have reached week 4! You are all doing so well and as it says at the top I am so proud of you all. I thought we would have a wee shake up this week so make sure you read the timetable to see some new things on it. I am going into school on Wednesday to get some more resources together (just in case). By the end of this week we will have finished the fractions and patterns section of your numeracy booklets, so we will need some new topics soon. Don’t panic! I will keep you right with the work. That also means that we will not have any calls on Wednesday. I will still be looking for you to upload some of your writing to Teams so make sure you read the writing instructions. You are all doing amazing!


Timetable Week 4 <—– download.



10am – Check in – Whole Class
11am – Reading – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
12pm – Reading – Fantastic Mr Fox
1.30pm – Numeracy – Infinity and Perpendicular


10am – Music Quiz – Whole Class
11am – Reading – The Witches
11am – Reading Mrs Rowan – Fantastic Mr Fox
12pm – Reading – The Twits
1.30pm – Numeracy – Pi, Percentage, Square Root



10am – Numeracy – Infinity and Perpendicular
1.30pm – PAThS Kid – Whole Class


10am – Spelling Test/Grammar – Whole Class
12pm – Numeracy – Pi, Percentage and Square Root



Active Spelling – I have uploaded all your words to SumDog this week so if you would like to try it out you could do SumDog for your Active Spelling.


This week I will set everyone a book on BugClub, I will give you a reading comprehension and you should keep practicing your poems. The rest of your reading time I would like you to have a go at this competition. The poem and the twitter links have been included below. Make sure you share your work on Teams or email it to me.


Book: Dinkin Dings and the Double from Dimension 9
Comprehension: Key Comprehension Unit 2 – A Thoroughly Modern Grandmama


Book: Flash the Dog Dives In!
Comprehension: Winter Weather – Twinkl Comprehension section


Book: Come Down, Golden.
Comprehension: Key Comprehension Unit 3 – How to feed your rabbit


Mrs Rowan has uploaded your work onto Teams for you. Let me know if you need help to find it. You will have your usual meeting with her on Tuesday at 11am. I have also assigned a new book on BugClub for you. This week it is: Cars, Cars, Cars. This is a non-fiction so something a little bit different. Remember to do all the bugs.


This week I will not be online to teach you but I am still expecting you to complete the work and share it on Teams. We are going to create a character this week and next week we will write a paragraph about your character. Follow the instructions below.
  1. For the first part of today’s writing session I would like you to choose a character and draw them. It could be a person, animal, monster, alien or anything else you can think of. You might want to use your setting from last week to help you choose what kind of character to draw. I would like you to put in as much detail as you can. Think about what they are wearing, what colour of hair they have, do they have a big nose or wings? Are they tall or short?
  2. Next I would like you to go through this PowerPoint—> Creating a Character Profile Powerpoint and have a think about each slide. You can use the attached sheet or just write some notes in your jotter. Creating a Character Profile Activity Sheet. This should help to bring your character to life.
  3. Now I would like you to pick something about your character to share on Teams. It might be your picture or one of the categories from the slides, e.g. family, likes/dislikes etc.
Here are some extra resources to help you:
Physical Appearance Word Mat
Adjective Character Word Mat


For the Numeracy meetings this week can you have some paper and a pencil to hand, as well as your booklets.

Monday: What’s my number? – 10 pages in booklet (1 answer per page).
Tuesday: TJay 2a P158. Meeting Mrs Munro 1.30pm.
Wednesday: Squire Square, use the investigating square numbers sheet to help you if you need it. You can also do the Squared Numbers Fortune Teller if you want.
Thursday: Follow the rule to create your own pattern (3 pages available, do however many you want. No need to do all 3).
Friday: Crack the Code with Factors, Multiples, Square Numbers and Cube Numbers. Meeting Mrs Munro – 12pm.

Monday: TJay 1b P142. Meeting Mrs Munro at 1.30pm.
Tuesday: Tjay 1b P143.
Wednesday: Number Sequences – 2 pages available. Complete at least 1.
Thursday: Squire Square, use the investigating square numbers sheet to help you if you need it. You can also do the Squared Numbers Fortune Teller if you want. Meeting Mrs Munro at 10am.
Friday: What’s My Number? 10 pages – 1 answer per page.


Scotland Loves Languages Week 1st-5th February

North Ayrshire Languages have set a challenge this week to read one of your favourite children’s picture books and try to include a language twist. As many picture books include animals I have uploaded some french, spanish and gaelic animal resources. Why not give it a go. You can upload it to Teams or email it to me. If you want any other words translated just let me know and I can try to find you some resources.
French Animals
French pets mat
French Pets
Gaelic Animal cards
Spanish animal cards


This week we will be having our quiz on Tuesday morning at 10am. It will be hosted by Mrs McDougall and Mrs Munro. The theme will be music so start your research!

Children’s Mental Health Week

Mindfulness Task

As there is a focus on mental health this week I have included some mindfulness activity cards. There is a range of activities to help you refocus and clear your mind. Why not try some of them throughout the week and in particular on Friday.
Mindfulness cards <—– here is some extra activities.

No Screen Afternoon Activities

I have also designed a grid with some no screen time activities. Why not try them out in the afternoons. You should upload some pictures to Teams or email some over. I love seeing all your pictures.

No Screen Grid <—- here is the download for the grid.

Resources for grid

Mindfulness colouring – feel free to use these or colouring you have a home.
Mindfulness Doodling sheets – you can use these templates or draw out your own on paper.

Use these Daily Doodles sheets if you need some inspiration for artists.

Positivity Jar Instructions – feel free to use these instructions or make your own version.
Things that make me happy – here is one example or you could create your own version on paper.