Hello again Mull Class,
I have uploaded a new calendar for the boys. The only difference is the date slide has been updated for the month of May.
Morning calendar work boys May
Jennifer Moncrieff
Hello again Mull Class,
I have uploaded a new calendar for the boys. The only difference is the date slide has been updated for the month of May.
Morning calendar work boys May
Jennifer Moncrieff
Hello Mull Class,
I hope you all had a great weekend.
Monday is our Rebound Morning. Michael has assisted me by letting me know what you have been working on this session. I have adapted the power points to suit. You could follow the slide show when out on your trampoline today.
The girls have been experiencing the sensation of being bounced by another on the trampoline. They have also been working on trying to stay in a sitting position while the adult moves around the trampoline trying to knock them gently off balance.
Monday is also a jass day. I have uploaded some maths to try while out on a walk. You can keep fit and active and do some math at the same time.
You can set yourselves another’Book of the Week’ and decide on the chore that you are going to complete each day for your functional skills work. This week you could also try organising and making your own snack and lunch to keep developing your independence skills.
Have a good Monday everyone and stay safe and well.
Jennifer Moncrieff
Hello Mull Class,
I hope you all had a good Thursday.
It’s Movie Club day on a Friday. Organise your own Movie Night to mark the start of the weekend. I have uploaded a slideshow to support this.
You can still check your daily calendar, or participate in your Sensory Workout and Hand and Finger Programme. You can complete your chore of the week, keeping your functional skills developing and help make or make your own lunch increasing your independence.
You can also read your book of the week. Do you know what happens next or can you name any characters? Did you like or not like the book?
You could also get outside for fresh air and exercise, keeping yourself fit and active.
I hope you all have a good weekend and keep safe and healthy.
Jennifer Moncrieff
Hello Mull Class,
I hope you all had a good Wednesday. Though it was raining, I hope you still managed to get outside for some fresh air and exercise.
Thursday is our French topic day. I have uploaded a fantastic power point that Michael has created for you. Play the slide show and click on the icons to find out more about Paris.
You could also try some French cooking. I have uploaded a recipe for crepes.
Boys, you can look at the calendar to keep up with what day and date it is and girls you can do the same through your Sensory Workout and your Hand and Finger programme. Everyone could read their book of the week. Can you join in with any familiar lines yet?
You could work on your chore, developing your functional skills and you could assist with organising and making own snack and lunch.
Try and get outside, regardless of the weather. If it is raining you could have fun splashing in the puddles.
Stay safe and well and have fun whatever you decide to do!
Have a good Thursday everyone,
Jennifer Moncrieff
Hello Mull Class,
I hope you all had a good Tuesday.
Wednesday is a jass morning for Mull Class. Try and get out for some exercise to keep fit and active. While you are out for your exercise you could try the scavenger hunt that I have uploaded for you.
On a Wednesday afternoon we have home economics. You could follow our pasta recipe, building up familiarity with skills and ingredients. Maybe you can recognise and name some of the ingredients used?
Or, if you would like some revision, I have uploaded a recipe for baked potato and coleslaw that we followed earlier in the term.
Baked Potato and Filling for blog
Check in with the day and date if you get a chance and read your book of the week. Remember your daily chore to help out around the house and to help making your own lunch. These jobs keep those functional and independent skills developing.
Stay safe and well and have a lovely Wednesday.
Jennifer Moncrieff
Hello Mull Class,
I hope you had a good Monday.
Today for P.E you could continue to practice your ball skills. You can try working through some of the activities on the P.E power point uploaded below.
Or get out and do something different for your daily exercise. Run, cycle or walk or even take the scooter, bike or skateboard. Try something new or different.
Tuesday afternoon is writing programme time. You could follow the power point and make marks. Try making marks or writing with something different. You could try a pen, crayon, pencil or make marks in a different medium or material. You could try rice, sand, play dough, foam.
Boys, you can check your daily calendar and find/play the Tuesday song. Girls you can work through your sensory work out and hand and finger programme.You could also read your book of the week. Don’t forget to complete any chores you might be responsible for to keep those functional skills developing. You could also put your chopping, spreading, pouring or mixing skills to the test by helping to or making your own lunch.
Remember all of the above is optional. The most important thing is to stay safe and well, get some fresh air and exercise and have fun.
Jennifer Moncrieff
Remember you will need to play the slideshows from the beginning for any links to work. Alternatively, you could play your own music.
Writing Programme Instructions
Good morning Mull class,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
It’s Monday again so check your calendar and listen to the Monday song.
You can choose a new book of the week to read each day and become familiar with the story, characters and any repetitive lines.
You can also decide on a new chore to help out around the house.
With all the spreading, chopping and mixing skills you have worked on this year, why not set yourself the challenge of making your own lunch this week?
Monday is rebound day in Mull Class. If you can, get out on your trampoline for a bounce and practice your moves.
Monday is also a jass day for Mull Class. I have uploaded a new maths activity that you could incorporate into your daily walk or when out in your garden.
Get out into the sunshine and have a lovely day
Jennifer Moncrieff
Hello Mull Class,
I hope you have all had a good week and you have managed to try out some of the activities that I have uploaded to keep your skills developing.
Friday is Movie Club in Mull class so why not organise Movie night for your own family.
I have uploaded the visuals and power point that we follow in class to support this.
You could also make some biscuits over the weekend to share with your family. I have uploaded a recipe for you to try out.
I hope you all get out for some fresh air and exercise over the weekend and most importantly keep safe and well. We will start again on Monday.
Jennifer Moncrieff
Hello Mull Class,
I hope you all had a good Wednesday.
Thursday is topic day and our topic is France. We are learning about French art, French music and French food.
Before the holidays I uploaded a recipe for French Toast to sample some French food.
This week I thought we could look at some French art. You could take a virtual stroll through a French art gallery. I have uploaded a power point with a link to a Virtual Museum Tour of the Louvre.
You will need to play the slide show from the beginning, then click on the link to the Louvre when you get to that page in the slideshow.
I am learning about French Art – The Louvre
Keep up with the day, date and month by going through your daily calendar and choosing Thursday.
You could also read your book of the week. Can you join in with any lines from the story yet?
Hope you are working hard at your weekly chore and helping out by preparing your snacks and drinks throughout the day.
Most importantly, get out for some fitness and fresh air. The weather has been fantastic for getting out for a good walk or you could enjoy time in the garden. If you have not tried it already you could take a look at the Scavenger Hunt that I uploaded yesterday.
As always, stay safe and well and have fun no matter what you choose to do.
Jennifer Moncrieff
Hello Mull Class,
Hope you all had a good Tuesday.
Wednesday looks to be another beautiful day so why not get out for a walk. While you are out you could collect the items listed on the Scavenger Hunt that I will upload. I will set different items to collect each week.
On a Wednesday afternoon we have home economics. Practice those chopping and mixing skills by making the pasta recipe that I uploaded before the hols. Will upload it again for you.
Check the calendar to find the day and date and remember you can read your book of the week.
Don’t forget to keep those functional skills going through your daily chore and to be as independent as possible across the day.
For the girls I have uploaded their hand and finger programme for them to try at home. The girls would work through this programme each morning after their sensory work out.
Hand and Fingers Programme power point
As always, these are just some activities that you might want to try out at home. Pick out what suits you and have fun.
Jennifer Moncrieff